This guide contains general, plain-text instructions you need to file motor fuels tax information (tax returns, information reports, and certain claims for refund (hereafter collectively referred to as tax forms ) online using Flat (FLT) File or EDI files with the CDTFA. This guide, along with the other information provided on the CDTFA Motor Fuels Online Filing web page, is designed to provide the rules, procedures, and technical requirements for the online filing of motor fuels taxes. All directions set forth in this guide and on the website must be followed for successful participation in online filing.

How to Use This Guide

Each section of this guide contains important information relevant to filing motor fuels tax forms via FLT and EDI. The Getting Started section provides important information to get started filing via FLT and EDI including important contact information. For further information for filing online with the CDTFA and for Excel templates that you can use to create a FLT file, visit our Motor Fuels Online Filing webpage.

The FLT and EDI sections provide filing specifications and other information relating to the applicable filing format. The Guidelines section provides further information relating to filing via FLT and EDI. The Certification Testing section provides the information necessary to help you complete the optional certification testing process and the Examples section provides examples of completed Excel templates.

You must connect to the CDTFA website to submit your files and use a browser that supports 128 bit SSL. Usernames and passwords are required. A Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted session will be established between you and the CDTFA when you log in. Your system must be configured to accept cookies. The CDTFA Online Services system requires a cookie as an element in maintaining the secure internet connection.

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You must go to our Online Services login page and enter your Username and password.

For a FLT or an EDI file that contains a single account: After you have logged in to the Online Services Login page, on your Home page, follow these steps:

  • Select File and/or View a Return button, then
  • Select the account and period to file and select the Add button, then select the type of file (EDI or FLT) to be uploaded.
  • If the file passes a basic syntax check, you will be required to verify the amounts included in the filing. You will be prompted to certify that the information contained in the file is true, correct, and complete by entering your name, title, and telephone number, and then selecting submit, and entering your login password. The Confirmation page displays the confirmation number, filer information, and total due. Links are included on the Confirmation page to make a payment, print the return, and exit the page.

For an EDI file that contains more than one account: After you have logged in to the Online Services Login page, on your Home page, follow these steps:

  • Select Return Bulk File button, then
  • Select EDI Motor Fuel Returns button, and select Add
  • Select the type of file (EDI or FLT) to be submitted. If the file passes a basic syntax check, you will be required to verify the amounts included in the filing. You will be prompted to certify that the information contained in the file is true, correct, and complete by entering your name, title, and telephone number, and then selecting submit, and entering your login password. The Confirmation page displays the confirmation number, filer information, and total due. Links are included on the Confirmation page to make a payment, print the return, and exit the page.

The CDTFA will not accept the following data transmissions:

  • Files of a type not identified in this document as approved for submission
  • Data for multiple taxpayers in the same envelope
  • Multiple report formats in the same envelope.

In addition to the File and/or View a Return option, the Home page provides the customer with several other options. Below is a sample of the available options.

Make a Payment - Allows you to make a payment.

Return Bulk File Allows you to upload EDI files that contain multiple accounts in one file

Return Bulk File then Validate Bulk File Allows you to validated the syntax of a filing before upload

Request Access to an Account Allows you to request access to another account

Request Power of Attorney Allows you to request Power of Attorney to another account

File Transmissions:

If you have any questions regarding transmitting Motor Fuels FLT or EDI filings, please contact the eServices Coordinator between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (Pacific time), Monday through Friday except state holidays at:

Phone: 1-916-323-6353

Fax: 1-916-322-4530

Email: CDTFA

You may submit written correspondence to the eServices Coordinator at the following address:

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

eServices Coordinator, MIC:40

PO Box 942879

Sacramento, CA 94279-0040

Data Concerns/Questions:

If you have questions regarding data for motor fuels online filing, please call the Business Tax and Fee Division, Appeals and Data Analysis Branch, Data Analysis Unit between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Pacific time, Monday through Friday (excluding State holidays), at:

Phone: 1-800-400-7115 (TTY: 711); from the main menu, select the option "special taxes and fees." FAX: 1-916-445-6385


You may submit written correspondence to the Data Analysis Unit at the following address:

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration

Business Tax and Fee Division

Data Analysis Unit, MIC: 30

P.O. Box 942879 Sacramento, CA 94279-0030

Please include the tax program you are inquiring about and provide contact information, such as name, address, phone number, and email in your written inquiries.

General Questions

If you have any general questions, you may contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711), Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., (Pacific time), except state holidays.

For additional information on motor fuels online filing, please visit the CDTFA website. On the CDTFA website, you can find the latest developments in tax-related news. Some of the topics and information available include:

  • Motor Fuels Online Filing Page, including:
    • FLT templates
    • Online Filing Glossary
    • Filing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • CDTFA Online Services Information
  • Hot Topics
  • News Releases
  • Special Taxpayer Alerts
  • Telephone Numbers and Addresses for Other Services

You can also obtain tax forms, publications, and other information online.

The information contained in this guide is subject to change. If you are a filing participant in CDTFA motor fuels online filing, we recommend that you check our website for updates to this guide and the Motor Fuels Online Filing web page. Updates may include, but are not limited to:

  • Changes to online filing rules or requirements
  • Changes to motor fuel tax returns or reports
  • New schedules
  • New tax forms added to online filing

Assistance for persons with hearing or speech impairments can be obtained by calling California Relay Service (CRS): 711, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Pacific time, Monday through Friday (excluding State holidays).

This guide summarizes the law and applicable regulations in effect when the document was written. However, changes in the law or in regulations may have occurred since that time. If there is a conflict between this guide and the law, decisions will be based on the law, and not this guide.

Figure 1, below, illustrates the information flow from taxpayer to tax authority in both the paper and online processing environment. To effectively and efficiently process large volumes of information, both parties to the transaction need to eliminate paper processing by sharing information online. Online, both parties can communicate and resolve errors faster, thereby reducing overhead costs. Online processing can also reduce the possibility of interest and penalty charges as a result of more efficient and timely processing.

Information Flow Model

Figure 1. Illustrates the path information flows from customer to Tax Authority

Figure 1 illustrates the information flow from taxpayer to tax authority in both the paper and online processing environment. To effectively and efficiently process large volumes of information, both parties to the transaction need to eliminate paper processing by sharing information online. Online, both parties can communicate and resolve errors faster, thereby reducing overhead costs. Online processing can also reduce the possibility of interest and penalty charges as a result of more efficient and timely processing.

Figure 1. Illustrates the path information flows from customer to Tax Authority

The CDTFA continues to be responsive to the reporting needs of our online filing participants. If there is a demand for mapping using XML or other emerging file formats, the CDTFA will work with its customers to develop reporting procedures.

An FLT file transmission is made up of one or more data sets. Data Set is the term used to describe the online equivalent of a paper document (tax return, information report, etc.). X12-formatted EDI files are the foundation of motor fuels online filing. For the purpose of this guide, EDI and FLT data will be referred to as a data set.

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The data included in an FLT or EDI data set conveys the same information as the conventional paper document. Within each data set, there are sections that correspond directly to the format of the paper document:

  • The header section contains information that pertains to the entire document, such as the filing date, company name, company address, filing period, account number, contact information, etc.
  • The return section contains information describing which return is present in the data set.
  • The summary item section contains information that cannot be derived from the detail, such as other exempt removals, etc.
  • The transaction detail section includes the same information found on the paper schedules, such as bill of lading, carrier information, origin and destination information, gallons, etc.

A FLT data set is designed for a smaller business entity than one that may use EDI and that may have a less automated system and enter the data by hand in a software application like Microsoft Excel or Access.

The group responsible for developing the FLT (flat file) standards is the CDTFA. These standards apply only to files being submitted by a motor fuels customer.

FLT standards for the CDTFA can be found on the Motor Fuels Online Filing web page. They include:

  • Attribute Conventions - formatting requirements
  • Data Elements - field identifiers
  • File Structure - FE/FG /FS
  • Segments - tax form descriptors

Standards prescribe the framework for how a specific FLT message is formatted.

The CDTFA has developed Microsoft Excel workbook files for specific tax forms. Though each template may be used to create FLT documents, they are intended as examples for reference only.

The FLT workbooks are available on the Motor Fuels Online Filing web page. Also available are example workbooks which contain data that correspond to one of the example tax forms.

The CDTFA does not endorse the Microsoft Excel product nor does it accept liability for any problems resulting from submitting an online file developed from the Excel workbook files. The CDTFA's Microsoft Excel workbook file may be used without a complete understanding of the FLT format; however, a level of computer skill is required to use Microsoft Excel.


You will follow the FLT File Format, as defined in Version 1 Release 4 (CDTFA map). The CDTFA requires that all schedules provide the detailed information needed to perform tracking of monthly fuel transactions.

The CDTFA requires that both gallon and dollar amounts be rounded to the nearest whole number. Do not use decimals.

This section provides the information you need to create motor fuels tax forms. It will cover all the necessary specifications in detail for the creation of these tax forms. The topics covered are as follows:

  • Motor Fuels FLT File Format Flow

    This section describes the record types contained in a file. Each of the record types is used for a specific purpose and, if a record type is required, it must be placed in the file in the order the record types are listed.

  • Motor Fuels FLT File Structure Overview

    This section lists all of the fields in each record type without the formatting requirements for the fields. It also contains a description of the use for the record type as well as tips for completing record types. This section of the chapter is useful for laying out the flat file as it applies to individual reporting needs.

  • Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors

    This section provides two key pieces of information for the development of a FLT file. First, it provides the Report Type field data for each tax form. This field data is used in every record type except the Filing Format Identifier record type. Second, this section provides detailed information about the line item requirements for each tax form.

  • Attribute Conventions and Separator Requirements

    This section provides information helpful for understanding the formatting requirements for each field in a record type.

  • Motor Fuels FLT File Reporting Map

    This section provides detailed information on the requirements for each record type. This information includes formatting requirements for each field.

The CDTFA s FLT File Specifications version control number for this publication is 4.0. The version control number will change when the CDTFA publishes updates to the FLT File format. This number is used by the CDTFA to manage changes between versions in flat files. Report the version control number in the File Type (FLT) Segment found in the FLT File format map of this chapter.

"Record type" is the term used to describe a line in the flat file. There are five different record types, and they are used to report different information. Some record types may or may not be required in a flat file, depending on the tax form being created, and some record types are only used once (FLT and FE record types) while others are repeated as often as necessary (FG and FS). Each record type is composed of fields containing the data needed to convey the information required by the CDTFA. A complete flat file will contain all the record types necessary to convey the information required for the tax form to be filed with the CDTFA in the proper format.

The FLT file format is designed to accommodate multiple tax forms. Therefore, fields are included in the record type's map that may not be applicable to every individual tax form. In these instances, no data is required to populate that field, but the empty field must be included in the file to maintain its integrity. A "Filler Tab" is used for this purpose.

All tax forms follow the FLT File format flow. The number of records in the FG and FS record types sections may vary depending on the requirements of the tax form and the type and quantity of transactions to be reported. For example, the line item record type (FG) will be repeated as many times as needed to report all line items for the tax form being created. (See "Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors" in this document for the requirements for each form.) Refer to the overview and format of the tax form to be reported to determine specific reporting requirements.

Record Type Description Comments
FLT Filing Format Identifier Used for all tax forms
FE Header Used for all tax forms
FP Payment Order/Remittance Advice Requirements vary by tax form
FG Line Items Requirements vary by tax form
FS Schedules Used for all tax forms

The Filing Format Identifier Record Type (FLT) is used for all tax forms. It lets the CDTFA know what type of file is being submitted. To maintain data integrity throughout the file, the data in field 4, Interchange Control Number, must be used in field 21 of the header record type (FE) and field 37 of each permutation of the schedule record type (FS).

Field No Filing Format Identifier
01 Electronic Return Record Type (FLT)
02 Version
03 CDTFA DUNS Number
04 Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing

The Header Record Type (FE) is used for all tax forms. It provides the CDTFA with the information it needs to identify the filer and validate the filing s acceptability. To maintain data integrity throughout the file, the information in fields 1-9 is repeated for every subsequent record type. Field 9 identifies the type of tax form being filed. A description of the data needed to populate that field is in "Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors" of this document.

Field No Header
01 Record Type (FE)
02 Account Number
03 Alternate ID Type
04 Alternate ID
05 Report End Date
06 Report Start Date
07 Purpose Code
08 Purpose Transaction Type
09 Report Type
10 "Filler Tab"
11 No Activity Flag
12 Record ID Qualifier
13 Record ID
14 "Filler Tab"
15 Authorization Code
16 Security Code
17 Sender ID
18 "Filler Tab"
19 Test or Production Indicator
20 Sender ID
21 Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing
22 Information Provider Type
23 Information Provider's Name
24 Information Provider's DBA Line 1
25 Information Provider's DBA Line 2
26 Information Provider's Address Line 1
27 Information Provider's Address Line 2
28 Information Provider's City
29 Information Provider's State
30 Information Provider's ZIP
31 Information Provider's ZIP +4
32 Information Provider's General Contact Type
33 Information Provider's General Contact Name
34 General Contact's Area Code
35 General Contact's Phone Number
36 General Contact's Extension
37 General Contact's Fax Area Code
38 General Contact's Fax Number
39 General Contact's Fax Extension
40 General Contact's Email Address
41 Information Provider's Online Filing Contact Type
42 Information Provider's Online Filing Contact Name
43 Online Filing Contact's Area Code
44 Online Filing Contact's Phone Number
45 Online Filing Contact's Extension
46 Online Filing Contact's Fax Area Code
47 Online Filing Contact's Fax Number
48 Online Filing Contact's Fax Extension
49 Online Filing Contact's Email Address

The Line Item Record Type (FG) reports the line item information (the face of paper returns) to the CDTFA. It is not used for all tax forms. Refer to "Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors" in this document to determine what line item information, if any, is required for the tax form in question. All fields must be completed for each line item on the tax form.

Field No Line Item
01 Record Type (FG)
02 Account Number
03 Alternate ID Type
04 Alternate ID
05 Report End Date
06 Report Start Date
07 Purpose Code
08 Purpose Transaction Type
09 Report Type
10 Line Item Code
11 Unit of Measure - GA
12 Unit of Measure Qualifier
13 Amount
14 Unit of Measure - USD
15 Unit of Measure Qualifier
16 Amount
17 Rate
18 Product Code

The Payment Order/Remittance Advice Record Type (FP) reports the payment authorization information to the CDTFA. It is not used for all tax forms. It applies to forms SDR (Supplier of Diesel and Motor Vehicle Fuel) and DLR (Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer). The segment is only included if a payment is remitted with the online tax return. The segment is not required if the payment for the return is made using other existing EFT methods.

Field No Line Item
01 Record Type (FP)
02 Account Number
03 Alternate ID Type
04 Alternate ID
05 Report End Date
06 Report Start Date
07 Purpose Code
08 Purpose Transaction Type
09 Report Type
10 Payment Warehouse Date
11 Routing Transit Number
12 Bank Account Number Qualifier
13 Bank Account Number
14 Payment Amount
15 Online Filing Payment Contact Name
16 Online Filing Payment Contact's Area Code
17 Online Filing Payment Contact's Phone Number
18 Online Filing Payment Contact's Extension

The Schedule Record Type (FS) is not used for all tax forms. It is used to report individual transactions. All 45 fields are used to report one transaction. Each transaction is a separate line and contains all 45 fields. The Schedule Record Type was developed to encompass all the transaction schedules used by the CDTFA; therefore, all fields do not apply to every schedule. If a field does not apply to the schedule used to report a transaction, no entry is required for that field, and a "Filler Tab" should be inserted in place of any data to maintain the integrity of the record type.

Field No Schedule
01 Record Type (FS)
02 Account Number
03 Alternate ID Type
04 Alternate ID
05 Report End Date
06 Report Start Date
07 Purpose Code
08 Purpose Transaction Type
09 Report Type
10 Schedule Code
11 Product Code
12 Position Holder Tax ID Type
13 Position Holder Tax ID
14 Receiving Party Tax ID Type
15 Receiving Party Tax ID
16 Consignor Tax ID Type
17 Consignor Tax ID
18 Carrier Tax ID Type
19 Carrier Tax ID
20 Mode
21 Origin State/Country
22 Origin Terminal Control Number
23 Destination State/Country
24 Destination Terminal Control Number
25 Seller Tax ID Type
26 Seller Tax ID
27 Buyer Tax ID Type
28 Buyer Tax ID
29 Document Date
30 Document Number
31 Net Quantity Unit of Measure
32 Net Quantity
33 Gross Quantity Unit of Measure
34 Gross Quantity
35 Billed Quantity Unit of Measure
36 Billed Quantity
37 Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing
38 Seller's Name
39 Position Holder's Name
40 Receiving Party Name
41 Consignor's Name
42 Carrier's Name
43 Buyer's Name
44 Purchase Date
45 Tax Rate

Each tax form contains different line items on its face except the terminal operator report and petroleum carrier (common carrier) report. These line items must be reported in the Line Item Record Type of the report. Each line item is reported using four (4) fields in the record type: FG10 (Line Item Code), FG11 (Unit of Measure (UOM) Qualifier), FG12 (UOM), and FG13 (Amount). The following tables identify the required field information and reporting order in the Line Item Record Type for each accepted tax form.

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
  No line items in a Train Operator Report      
  Report Type = PTR      

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
  No line items in a Petroleum Carrier Report      
  Report Type = CCR      

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
  No line items in a Terminal Operator Report      
  Report Type = TOR      

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
X Gallons for Which Tax Applies or Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Total Gallons for Which Tax Applies or Refund Is Due L00001 GA Billed
5 Excess Tax Collected L00032 USD Tax
6 Total Tax Due or Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
7 Penalty L00003 USD Pen
8 Interest L00004 USD Int
9 Total Amount Due and Payable or Refund Claimed L00005 USD Total
Report Type = SDR Syntax Note: Only Diesel Fuel Tax Returns may include a claim for refund Gallons at Rate (Ref Line No. X) is reported once for the current rate and repeated up to four times for additional rates.

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
1 Gallons for Which Tax Applies L00001 GA Billed
X Gallons For Which Tax Applies or Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Excess Tax Collected L00032 USD Tax
5 Total Tax Due Or Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
6 Penalty L00003 USD Pen
7 Interest L00004 USD Int
8 Total Amount Due and Payable L00005 USD Total
Report Type = DLR Gallons at Rate (Ref Line No. X) is reported once for the current rate and repeated up to four times for additional rates.

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
X Gallons for Which Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Total Gallons for Which Refund Is Due L00001 GA Billed
5 Total Amount of Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
Report Type = DVW

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
X Gallons for Which Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Total Gallons for Which Refund Is Due L00001 GA Billed
5 Total Amount of Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
Report Type = DVM Gallons at Rate (Ref Line No. X) is reported once for the current rate and repeated up to four times for additional rates.

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
X Gallons for Which Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Total Gallons for Which Refund Is Due L00001 GA Billed
5 Total Amount of Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
Report Type = DZC Gallons at Rate (Ref Line No. X) is reported once for the current rate and repeated up to four times for additional rates.

Ref Line No Description FG10 Line Item Code FG11 UOM FG12 UOM Qualifier
X Gallons for Which Refund Is Due at Rate by Product L00031 GA Billed
4 Total Gallons for Which Refund Is Due L00001 GA Billed
5 Total Amount of Refund Claimed L00002 USD Tax
Report Type = DUC Gallons at Rate (Ref Line No. X) is reported once for the current rate and repeated up to four times for additional rates.

Attribute Definition
Data Element Type Nn Numeric Numeric type data element is symbolized by the two-position representation (Nn). "N" indicates a numeric, and "n" indicates the decimal places to the right of a fixed, implied decimal point. N0 (N Zero) is a numeric with no decimal places.
R Decimal (Real) The decimal point is optional for integer values, but is required for fractional values. For negative values, the leading minus (-) sign is used. Absence of this sign indicates a positive value. The plus (+) sign should not be transmitted.
ID Identifier An identifier data element must always contain a value from a predefined list of values that is maintained by ASC X12 or by other bodies that are recognized by ASC X12 or as developed specifically for the flat file format by the CDTFA.
AN String A string (alphanumeric) is a sequence of any characters from the basic or extended character sets. It must contain at least one non-space character. The significant characters must be left justified. Leading spaces, if any, are assumed to be significant. Trailing spaces should be suppressed.
DT Date Format for the date type is YYYYMMDD. YYYY is the four digits of the year (2019), MM is the numeric value of the month (01-12), and DD for the day (01-31).
TM Time Format for the time type is HHMMSS, expressed in 24-hour clock format. HH is the numeric value for hour (00-23), MM for minute (00-59), and SS for second (00-59).
Requirement Designator Defines how the data element is used in a segment
M Mandatory This element must appear in the segment.
O Optional The appearance of this data element is at the option of the sending party or is based on a mutual agreement of the interchange parties.
X Relational Relational conditions may exist between two or more data elements. If one is present the other(s) is (are) required. The relational condition is displayed under the Syntax Notes.
S Situational Situational conditions may exist with one or more data elements. The data element may be required to be populated only in certain situations. When a data element is not required to be populated, a "Filler Tab" must be entered in its place. The situational condition is displayed under the Syntax Notes.
N Not Required Not Required conditions may exist with one or more data elements. The data element may not be required to be populated for certain tax forms. When a data element is not required to be populated, a "Filler Tab" must be entered in its place. The Not Required condition is displayed under the Syntax Notes.
Data Element Length x / x Minimum and Maximum lengths The number of character positions assigned to a data element. Example: Data element length of 2/10. You must have at least 2 characters but no more than 10 characters for this element (minimum of 2/ maximum of 10).

Type ASCII Value EBCDIC Value Character Character Name
Record Separator 1310 1321 <cr> Carriage Return (Paragraph)
Element Separator 9 5 <tab> Tab
Padding Character 32 64 <sp> Space

Notes Note: important to read all notes
Syntax Notes Translation Syntax Requirements The California translator will enforce these rules.

Filing Format Identifier Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FLT01 M Electronic Return Record Type AN 3 3 "FLT" = Flat File Type
FLT02 M Version AN 3 5 "4.0" = CDTFA Version
FLT03 M CDTFA DUNS Number AN 9 9 "116725470" = CDTFA DUNS Number
FLT04 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number for This Filing AN 4 9 Filer defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings.

Header Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FE01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FE" = Identifies header record type
FE02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FE03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FE04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FE05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FE06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FE07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental
FE08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are a "Filler Tab" Original, 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FE09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FE10 M "Filler Tab" AN 9 9 "Filler Tab"
FE11 M No Activity Flag AN 1 9 Identifies if the tax form is reporting any activity. Value = "1" indicates no activity. Else, "Filler Tab"
FE12 M Record ID Qualifier AN 9 9 "Filler Tab"
FE13 M Record ID AN 9 9 "Filler Tab"
FE14 M "Filler Tab" AN 9 9 "Filler Tab"
FE15 M Authorization Code AN 10 10 Enter the 10-character Authorization Code provided to the filer by the CDTFA or 0000000000
FE16 M Security Code AN 10 10 Enter the 10-character Password provided by the filer to the CDTFA in the filer's Trading Partner Agreement or 0000000000
FE17 M Sender ID AN 9 9 Sender's FEIN or SSN [xxxxxxxxx]
FE18 M "Filler Tab" AN 10 10 "Filler Tab"
FE19 M Test or Production Indicator AN 1 1 "P" = Production Data
FE20 M Sender ID AN 9 9 Sender's FEIN or SSN [xxxxxxxxx]
FE21 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number for This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings.
FE22 M Information Provider Type AN 2 2 "TP" = Information Provider - Taxpayer (PS, DD, MJ, DU, DZ, DV, & DVW filers) "L9" = Information Provider Other (PO, PC, & PT filers)
FE23 M Information Provider Name AN 1 35 Name
FE24 O Information Provider's DBA
Line 1
AN 1 70 DBA
FE25 O Information Provider's DBA
Line 2
AN 1 70 DBA
FE26 M Information Provider's Address Line 1 AN 1 35 First Line Street Address
FE27 O Information Provider's Address Line 2 AN 1 35 Second Line Street Address
FE28 M Information Provider's City AN 1 30 Name of City
FE29 M Information Provider's State AN 2 2 State
FE30 M Information Provider's ZIP AN 5 5 ZIP Code
FE31 O Information Provider's ZIP +4 AN 4 4 ZIP Plus 4 Code
FE32 M Information Provider's General Contact Type AN 2 2 CN = General Contact
FE33 O Information Provider's General Contact Name AN 1 35 Contact Name
FE34 X General Contact's Area Code AN 3 3 Contact's Area Code
FE35 X General Contact's Phone Number AN 7 7 Contact's Voice Telephone Number
FE36 X General Contact's Extension AN 1 4 Contact's Extension
FE37 X General Contact's Fax Area Code AN 3 3 Contact's Fax Area Code
FE38 X General Contact's Fax Number AN 7 7 Contact's Fax Telephone Number
FE39 X General Contact's Fax Extension AN 1 4 Contact's Extension
FE40 O General Contact's Email Address AN 1 80 Contact's Email Address
FE41 M Information Provider's Online Filing Contact Type AN 2 2 EA = Online Filing Contact
FE42 O Information Provider's Online Filing Contact Name AN 1 35 Contact Name
FE43 X Online Filing Contact's Area Code AN 3 3 Contact's Area Code
FE44 X Online Filing Contact's Phone Number AN 7 7 Contact's Voice Telephone Number
FE45 X Online Filing Contact's Extension AN 4 4 Contact's Extension
FE46 X Online Filing Contact's Fax Area Code AN 3 3 Contact's Fax Area Code
FE47 X Online Filing Contact's Fax Number AN 7 7 Contact's Fax Telephone Number
FE48 X Online Filing Contact's Fax Extension AN 1 4 Contact's Extension
FE49 O Online Filing Contact's Email Address AN 1 80 Contact's Email Address
<tab>ABC Supplier Company<tab>ABC Supplier Company<tab>ABC Company<tab>48 Washington Street<tab>
HQ Building<tab>Any Town<tab>CA<tab>25421<tab>5555<tab>CN<tab>John J. Doe<tab>916<tab>5551212<tab>4444
<tab>916<tab>5554488<tab>7777<tab><tab>EA<tab>Bob T. Doe<tab>916<tab>5553245<tab>4444<tab>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 If FE34 or FE35 is present, then the other is required. 02 If FE36 is present, then FE34 and FE35 are required. 03 If FE37 or FE38 is present, then the other is required. 04 If FE39 is present, then FE37 and FE38 are required. 05 If FE43 or FE44 is present, then the other is required. 06 If FE45 is present, then FE43 and FE44 are required. 07 If FE46 or FE47 is present, then the other is required. 08 If FE48 is present, then FE46 and FE48 are required.
FE04 must be the FEIN if the Information Provider has one. Submit a SSN only for sole proprietorships that have not been issued a FEIN. FE24, FE25, FE27, FE33, FE40, FE42, and FE49 are optional fields. If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Line Item Record Type (Optional)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FP01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FP" = Identifies payment record type
FP02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FP03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate Id. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FP04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FP05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FP06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FP07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FP08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FP09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FP10 M Payment Warehouse Date DT 8 8 Date the payment is to be processed by the CDTFA. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FP11 M Routing Transit Number AN 3 12 The bank routing number from which the payment will be made.
FP12 M Bank Account Number Qualifier AN 6 6 Identifies the type of bank account. Values are: DBTCHK Business checking; DBTSAV Business savings; DBTCCK Personal checking; DBTCSV Personal savings
FP13 M Bank Account Number AN 1 17 The bank account number from which the payment will be made.
FP14 M Monetary Amount N 1 11 Amount of tax payment. Must be whole dollars.
FP15 M Online Filing Payment Contact Name AN 1 35 Contact Name
FP16 M Online Filing Payment Contact's Area Code AN 3 3 Contact's Area Code
FP17 M Online Filing Payment Contact's Phone Number AN 7 7 Contact's Voice Telephone Number
FP18 O Online Filing Payment Contact's Extension AN 1 4 Contact's Extension
654321234567<tab> DBTCHK<tab>432112345<tab> 5874<tab> John J. Doe<tab>916<tab>5551212<tab>4444<cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Monetary Amount is the payment amount remitted for the period. It may include payment for applicable interest and penalties. The payment amount must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Do not report a decimal or cents.
This segment is only used in SDR and DLR reports. If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Line Item Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FG01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FG" = Identifies line item record type
FG02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FG03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate Id. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FG04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FG05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FG06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FG07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FG08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FG09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FG10 M Line Item Code AN 6 6 Identifies line on tax form being reported. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section to identify the codes for the tax form being filed.
FG11 M Unit of Measure AN 2 3 "GA" = Gallons "USD" = Dollars
FG12 M Unit of Measure Qualifier AN 3 6 Identifies what on tax form is being reported and relates to the line item code. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section to identify the codes for the tax form being filed.
FG13 M Amount N 1 15 The amount reported as identified by the Unit of Measure.
FG14 M Unit of Measure AN 2 3 "USD" = Dollars
FG15 M Unit of Measure Qualifier AN 3 6 Identifies what on tax form is being reported and relates to the line item code. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section to identify the codes for the tax form being filed.
FG16 M Amount N 1 15 The amount reported as identified by the Unit of Measure. This amount is the gallons of product multiplied by the rate and rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
FG17 M Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format (e.g., .473 or .360).
FG18 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 FG10, FG11, FG12, and FG13 are required for each line item code. Repeat this record type as often as needed to report every product at each rate for every line on the tax form being reported. 02 FG14, FG15, FG16, FG17, and FG18 are required when reporting line item code L00031.
Do not use this segment when reporting TOR, CCR, or PTR. If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 M Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 M Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 N Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 N Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 N Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 N Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 N Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS28 N Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 N Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 N Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 N Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 N Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 N Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 M Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 N Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 N Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS44 N Purchase Date DT 8 8 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS45 N Tax Rate N 4 4 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190731<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>PTR<tab>TO<tab>167<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>24<tab>222444333<tab>J<tab><tab>CA555TCN1<tab>CA<tab><tab>24<tab> 987654321<tab><tab><tab>20190703<tab>DOC1234<tab>GA<tab>7856<tab>GA<tab>7900<tab>GA<tab>7856<tab> 705547806<tab>XYZ Fuel Supplier <tab><tab><tab><tab>Another Carrier<tab><tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS27, FS28, FS39, FS40, FS41, FS43, FS44, and FS45. A "Filler Tab" is required.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 M Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS17 M Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Consignor's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS18 N Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS19 N Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 N Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS26 N Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS27 N Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS28 N Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 N Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS34 N Gross Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS35 N Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS36 N Billed Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 N Seller's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 M Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Consignor's Name
FS42 N Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS43 N Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS44 N Purchase Date DT 8 8 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS45 N Tax Rate N 4 4 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190731<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>CCR<tab>14E<tab>167 <tab><tab>123456789<tab><tab><tab>24<tab>998877665<tab>24<tab>112233445<tab>J<tab><tab>CA555TCN1<tab> <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>20190715<tab>JCL25498X<tab>GA<tab>5000<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>123456789 <tab><tab><tab><tab>XYZ Consignors<tab><tab><tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS18, FS19, FS25, FS26, FS27, FS28, FS33, FS34, FS35, FS36, FS38, FS39, FS40, FS42, FS43, FS44, and FS45. A "Filler Tab" is required.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 M Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS17 M Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Consignor's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS18 N Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS19 N Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 2 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal or the name of the origin city if the TCN does not exist or is unknown
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 2 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal or the name of the destination city if the TCN does not exist or is unknown
FS25 N Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS26 N Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS27 N Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS28 N Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 N Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS34 N Gross Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS35 N Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS36 N Billed Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 N Seller's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 M Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Consignor's Name
FS42 N Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS43 N Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS44 N Purchase Date DT 8 8 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS45 N Tax Rate N 4 4 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190731<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>CCR<tab>14E<tab>167 <tab>24<tab><tab><tab><tab>24<tab>998877665<tab>24<tab>112233445<tab>J<tab><tab>CA555TCN1<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>20190715<tab>JCL25498X<tab>GA<tab>5000<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>123456789<tab><tab> <tab><tab>XYZ Consignors<tab><tab><tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS18, FS19, FS25, FS26, FS27, FS28, FS33, FS34, FS35, FS36, FS38, FS39, FS40, FS42, FS43, FS44, and FS45. A "Filler Tab" is required.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 S Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS13 S Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Position Holder's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS14 S Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS15 S Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Receiving Party's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 M Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 M Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 N Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS22 N Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 N Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS26 N Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS27 N Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS28 N Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 S Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 S Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 N Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS36 N Billed Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 N Seller's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS39 S Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Position Holder's Name
FS40 S Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Receiving Party s Name
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 M Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 N Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS44 N Purchase Date DT 8 8 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS45 N Tax Rate N 4 4 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
<tab><tab><tab><tab>20190715<tab>JCL25498X<tab>GA<tab>5000<tab>GA<tab>5020<tab><tab><tab>123456789<tab><tab>ABC Supplier Company<tab>D Receiver<tab><tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab><tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 FS12, FS13, and FS39 are only required for Terminal Disbursement (15B) schedules. Enter "Filler Tab"s if Terminal Receipts (15A) schedules. 02 FS14, FS15, and FS40 are only required when reporting two-party exchange transactions on a Terminal Disbursement (15B) schedule. Enter "Filler Tab"s if not reporting a two-party exchange or reporting a Terminal Receipt (15A). 03 FS23 is only required for Terminal Disbursement (15B) schedules. Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 FS24 is only required for Terminal Disbursement (15B) schedules. Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS33 and FS34 are only required for Terminal Disbursement (15B) schedules. 06 No data is required for fields FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS21, FS22, FS25, FS26, FS27, FS28, FS35, FS36, FS38, FS41, FS43, FS44, and FS45. A "Filler Tab" is required.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 S Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 S Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 S Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 S Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 S Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS28 S Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Buyer's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 X Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 X Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 X Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 X Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 S Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 M Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 S Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Buyer's Name
FS44 S Purchase Date DT 8 8 The date the product was purchased (YYYYMMDD)
FS45 S Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format (e.g., .473 or .360).
123456789<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab>AAA Gas Station<tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS25, FS26, and FS38 are only required for Receipt Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Disbursement Schedules. 06 FS27, FS28, and FS43 are only required for Disbursement Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Receipt Schedules. 07 FS28 must only contain a CDTFA Account Number if FS10 contains 13D (Fuel Sold for use on Farms). A FEIN or SSN will be unacceptable. 08 If FS33 is present, then FS34 is required and vice versa. 09 If FS35 is present, then FS36 is required and vice versa. 10 FS18, FS19, FS21, FS22, FS23, FS24 and FS42 are not required if fuel is sold through a cardlock or any retail locations. "Filler Tab"s are required in that case. 11 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS39, FS40, and FS41. 12 FS44 is required to be populated when reporting any credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 13 FS45 is required to be populated when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 14 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 S Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 S Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination TCN or APC AN 3 9 Enter the Terminal Control Number or Airport Code for the destination
FS25 S Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 S Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 S Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS28 S Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Buyer's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 M Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 M Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 X Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 X Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 X Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 X Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 S Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 M Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 S Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Buyer's Name
FS44 S Purchase Date DT 8 8 The date the product was purchased (YYYYMMDD)
FS45 S Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format (e.g., .473 or .360).
123456789<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab>AAA Gas Station<tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN or an airport. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS24 to report the TCN or airport. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN or an airport. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS25, FS26, and FS38 are only required for Receipt Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Disbursement Schedules. 06 FS27, FS28, and FS43 are only required for Disbursement Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Receipt Schedules. 07 If FS33 is present, then FS34 is required and vice versa. 08 If FS35 is present, then FS36 is required and vice versa. 09 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS39, FS40, FS41, FS44, and FS45.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 S Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 S Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 S Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 S Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 S Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS28 S Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Buyer's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 X Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 X Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 X Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 X Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 M Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 M Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 S Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 S Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 S Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Buyer's Name
FS44 S Purchase Date DT 8 8 The date the product was purchased (YYYYMMDD)
FS45 S Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format (e.g. .473 or .360).
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190731<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>DVM<tab>13D<tab>167 <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>24<tab>112233445<tab>J<tab>CA<tab><tab>CA<tab><tab><tab><tab>49<tab>
<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab>Tasty Farms<tab>20190629<tab>.360<cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and Use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS25, FS26, and FS 38 are only required for Receipt Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Disbursement Schedules. 06 FS27, FS28, and FS43 are only required for Disbursement Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Receipt Schedules. 07 FS27 must only contain a CDTFA Account Number if FS10 contains 13D (Fuel Sold for use on Farms). A FEIN or SSN will be unacceptable. 08 If FS31 is present, then FS32 is required and vice versa. 09 If FS33 is present, then FS34 is required and vice versa. 10 FS18, FS19, FS21, FS22, FS23, FS24, and FS42 are not required if fuel is sold through a cardlock or any retail locations. "Filler Tab"s are required in that case. 11 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS37, FS39, FS40, and FS41. 12 FS44 is required to be populated when reporting any credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 13 FS45 is required to be populated when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 14 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 S Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 S Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 N Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS26 N Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS27 M Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS28 M Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Buyer's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 X Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 X Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 X Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 X Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 M Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 M Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 N Seller's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 S Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 M Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Buyer's Name
FS44 N Purchase Date DT 8 8 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS45 N Tax Rate N 4 4 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab>Tasty Farms<tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS28 must only contain a CDTFA Account Number if FS10 contains 13D (Fuel Sold for Use on Farms). A FEIN or SSN will be unacceptable. 06 If FS31 is present, then FS32 is required and vice versa. 07 If FS33 is present, then FS34 is required and vice versa. 08 FS18, FS19, FS21, FS22, FS23, FS24, and FS42 are not required if fuel is sold through a cardlock or any retail locations. "Filler Tab"s are required in that case. 09 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS25, FS26, FS39, FS40, FS41, FS44, and FS45.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required. Transactions claimed at a prior tax rate may not be reported on the DVW. They must be claimed on the DVM.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 S Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS19 S Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Carrier's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS20 M Mode AN 1 3 The transportation mode code
FS21 S Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the origin state or country
FS22 S Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the originating terminal
FS23 S Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Enter the two character abbreviation for the destination state or country
FS24 S Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Enter the TCN for the destination terminal
FS25 S Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 S Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 S Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS28 S Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Buyer's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 X Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS32 X Net Quantity N 1 15 Net Quantity
FS33 X Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS34 X Gross Quantity N 1 15 Gross Quantity
FS35 M Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 M Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 S Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 S Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Carrier's Name
FS43 S Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Buyer's Name
FS44 S Purchase Date DT 8 8 The date the product was purchased (YYYYMMDD)
FS45 S Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190731<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>DZC<tab>13A<tab>167 <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>24<tab>112233445<tab>J<tab>CA<tab>CA555TCN1<tab>CA<tab><tab>24<tab>
123456789<tab>34<tab>885522559<tab>20190715<tab>JCL25498X<tab>GA<tab>5000<tab>GA<tab>5020<tab>GA<tab>5000<tab>123456789<tab>ABC Supplier Company<tab><tab><tab>Export Assistance<tab>XXX Fuel Carrier<tab> Other State Gas<tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use FS21 if the origin is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS22 to report the TCN. 02 Use FS22 if the origin is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS21 to report the origin state. 03 Use FS23 if the destination is not a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS24 to report the TCN. 04 Use FS24 if the destination is a terminal with a TCN. Otherwise, use a "Filler Tab" and use FS23 to report the destination state. 05 FS25, FS26, and FS38 are only required for Receipt Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Disbursement Schedules. 06 FS27, FS28, and FS43 are only required for Disbursement Schedules. Use "Filler Tab"s if Receipt Schedules. 07 If FS31 is present, then FS32 is required and vice versa. 08 If FS33 is present, then FS34 is required and vice versa. 09 FS18, FS19, FS21, FS22, FS23, FS24, and FS42 are not required if fuel is sold through a cardlock or any retail locations. "Filler Tab"s are required in that case. 10 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS39, FS40, and FS41. 11 FS44 is required to be populated when reporting any credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 12 FS45 is required to be populated when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 13 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

Schedule Record Type (Required)
Field No Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
FS01 M Record Type AN 2 2 "FS" = Identifies schedule record type
FS02 M Account Number N 9 9 CDTFA Account Number
FS03 M Alternate ID Type AN 2 2 Identifies the type of Alternate ID. May be either 24 for FEIN, or 34 for SSN.
FS04 M Alternate ID AN 9 9 FEIN or SSN
FS05 M Report End Date DT 8 8 End date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS06 M Report Start Date DT 8 8 Start date of the reporting period that the tax form represents. Format is YYYYMMDD.
FS07 M Purpose Code AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose. Values are: 00 Original; "Filler Tab" Replacement or Supplemental.
FS08 M Purpose Transaction Type AN 2 2 Identifies the Information Provider's purpose for the transaction. Values are: "Filler Tab" Original; 6R Replacement; 6S Supplemental.
FS09 M Report Type AN 3 3 Type of return or report being filed. Refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File Tax Form Descriptors section for the correct value.
FS10 M Schedule Code AN 1 6 Identifies the schedule code for the fuel item being reported
FS11 M Product Code AN 3 3 Identifies the product code for the fuel item being reported
FS12 N Position Holder Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS13 N Position Holder Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS14 N Receiving Party Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS15 N Receiving Party Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS16 N Consignor Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS17 N Consignor Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS18 N Carrier Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS19 N Carrier Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS20 N Mode AN 1 3 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS21 N Origin State/Country AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS22 N Origin Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS23 N Destination State/Country AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS24 N Destination Terminal Control Number AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS25 M Seller Tax ID Type AN 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number
FS26 M Seller Tax ID AN 9 9 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
FS27 N Buyer Tax ID Type AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS28 N Buyer Tax ID AN 9 9 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS29 M Document Date DT 8 8 The date the transaction occurred (YYYYMMDD)
FS30 M Document Number AN 1 15 Document Number
FS31 N Net Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS32 N Net Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS33 N Gross Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS34 N Gross Quantity N 1 15 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS35 M Billed Quantity Unit of Measure AN 2 2 "GA" = Gallons
FS36 M Billed Quantity N 1 15 Billed Quantity
FS37 M Interchange Control Number Unique Number For This Filing AN 4 9 Filer-defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings
FS38 M Seller's Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
FS39 N Position Holder's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS40 N Receiving Party Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS41 N Consignor's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS42 N Carrier's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS43 N Buyer's Name AN 1 35 Not required for this report. A "Filler Tab" is required.
FS44 S Purchase Date DT 8 8 The date the product was purchased (YYYYMMDD)
FS45 S Tax Rate N 4 4 The tax rate when reporting gallons at a rate. The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
FS<tab>012345678<tab>24<tab>123456789<tab>20190701<tab>20190701<tab>00<tab><tab>DUC<tab>13J7<tab>167 <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>24<tab>123456789<tab><tab><tab> 20190715<tab>JCL25498X<tab><tab><tab><tab><tab>GA<tab>5000<tab>123456789<tab>ABC Supplier Company<tab> <tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><tab><cr>
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 No data is required for fields FS12, FS13, FS14, FS15, FS16, FS17, FS18, FS19, FS20, FS21, FS22, FS23, FS24, FS27, FS28, FS31, FS32, FS33, FS34, FS39, FS41, FS42, and FS43. A "Filler Tab" is required. 02 FS44 is required to be populated when reporting any credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 03 FS45 is required to be populated when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions where the tax rate is different than the one that corresponds with Document Date. It is optional for all other schedule transactions. 04 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
If no data is provided, a "Filler Tab" is required.

An EDI transmission is made up of one or more data sets. Data Set is the term used to describe the online equivalent of a paper document (tax return, information report, etc.). X12-formatted EDI files are the foundation of motor fuels online filing. For the purpose of this guide, EDI and FLT data will be referred to as a data set.

Open All Close All

The data included in an FLT or EDI data set conveys the same information as the conventional paper document. Within each data set, there are sections that correspond directly to the format of the paper document:

The header section contains information that pertains to the entire document, such as the filing date, company name, company address, filing period, account number, contact information, etc.

The return section contains information describing which return is present in the data set.

The summary item section contains information that cannot be derived from the detail, such as other exempt removals, etc.

The transaction detail section includes the same information found on the paper schedules, such as bill of lading, carrier information, origin and destination information, gallons, etc.

To gain the maximum benefits of an EDI data set, a company s system must have the following two characteristics:

1. The flow of information must be integrated. In other words, the data must flow between automated business management systems using EDI software without being re-keyed.

2. The automated business management systems must be intelligent. These systems must be able to automatically process routine transactions according to those limits defined by the businesses conducting trade.

The group responsible for developing and maintaining X12 standards is the Accredited Standard Committee X12 (ASC X12) of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). These standards are utilized to develop the EDI map that the customers will follow to create their data set for the CDTFA.

Standards are defined as the technical documentation approved by the ANSI Accredited Standard Committee (ASC) X12 that includes:

Code set TIA01 Code list (see Tax Information and Amount [TIA] Codes below)

Data elements TIA01 is the first element of the TIA segment

Interchange control structure ISA/GS/GE/IEA

Segments TIA, Tax Information and Amount Segment

Transaction sets TS813

Standards prescribe the framework for how a specific EDI message is formatted.

ANSI ASC X12 standards, usually referred to as X12, are the most commonly used EDI standards in North America. ANSI is the clearinghouse and coordinator for standards in all areas of trade and commerce.

TIA Codes are the segment that is used by EDI filers to specify the tax information and/or amount and is to be used for reporting tax information as established by taxing authorities.

Code Description
5000 Version of Taxing Authority s Implementation Guide
5001 Total Net Reported
5002 Ending Physical Inventory
5003 Total Due
5004 Total Net Transported
5005 Net
5006 Gross
5007 Billed (Gallons and/or Tax)
5008 Interest
5009 Penalty
5024 Tax Rate
5026 Excess Tax Collected


You will follow the ANSI ASC X12 Electronic Filing of Return Data Transaction Set (TS813), as defined in Version 4 Release 3 (CDTFA map). The CDTFA requires that all schedules reflect the detailed information needed to perform tracking of monthly fuel transactions.

The CDTFA requires that both gallon and dollar information be reported as whole numbers. All gallon and dollar fractions should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

This section provides the information you need to generate motor fuels tax returns or reports in an EDI format. It covers all the necessary specifications in detail for the filing of these returns or reports. The topics covered are as follows:

Attribute Conventions

EDI Requirements

Transaction Set 813 (TS813)

TS813 Motor Fuels Structure Overview

TS813 Motor Fuels Map Flow

TS813 Motor Fuels Reporting Map

TS997 Functional Acknowledgement

TS997 Acknowledgement Example

The CDTFA s EDI Section version control number for this publication is 3.1. The version control number will change when the CDTFA publishes updates to the EDI map. This number is used by the CDTFA to manage changes between versions in EDI files. Report the version control number in the Tax Information and Amount (TIA) Segment Version of Taxing Authority s Implementation Guide found in the EDI map of this chapter.

The CDTFA map is designed based on the FTA Motor Fuel Uniformity EDI map. Key tables, similar to the one appearing below, have been added to the map flow diagrams and the EDI map to assist the reader in understanding how to implement the electronic filing requirements.

Not Used in FTA Map Not used: no data to transmit
Notes Note: important to read all notes
Not Used by California Segments, Elements and Codes not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map
Syntax Notes Translation Syntax Requirements The California translator will enforce these rules.

Table 6 EDI v. 4030 List of Attribute Conventions from ANSI ASC X12

Attribute Definition
Data Element Type Nn Numeric Numeric type data element is symbolized by the two-position representation (Nn). "N" indicates a numeric, and "n" indicates the decimal places to the right of a fixed, implied decimal point. N0 (N Zero) is a numeric with no decimal places.
R Decimal (Real) The decimal point is optional for integer values, but is required for fractional values. For negative values, the leading minus (-) sign is used. Absence of this sign indicates a positive value. The plus (+) sign should not be transmitted.
ID Identifier An identifier data element must always contain a value from a predefined list of values that is maintained by ASC X12 or by other bodies that are recognized by ASC X12.
AN String A string (alphanumeric) is a sequence of any characters from the basic or extended character sets. It must contain at least one non-space character. The significant characters must be left justified. Leading spaces, if any, are assumed to be significant. Trailing spaces should be suppressed.
DT Date Format for the date type is CCYYMMDD. CC is the century digits of the year (ex. 19, 20). YY is the last two digits of the year (00-99), MM is the numeric value of the month (01-12), and DD for the day (01-31).
TM Time Format for the time type is HHMMSS, expressed in 24-hour clock format. HH is the numeric value for hour (00-23), MM for minute (00-59), and SS for second (00-59).
Requirement Designator Defines how the data element is used in a segment.
M Mandatory This element must appear in the segment.
O Optional The appearance of this data element is at the option of the sending party or is based on a mutual agreement of the interchange parties.
X Relational Relational conditions may exist between two or more data elements. If one is present the other(s) is (are) required. The relational condition is displayed under the Syntax Noted of the X12 Standards.
Data Element Length x / x Minimum and Maximum lengths The number of character positions assigned to a data element. Example: Data element length of 2/10. You must have at least 2 characters but no more than 10 characters for this element (minimum of 2/ maximum of 10).
Semantic Note Designator Z Designator A data element within a segment may have a designator (Z) that indicates the existence of a semantic note. Semantic notes are considered part of the standard. If a condition designator and a semantic note both affect a single data element, the condition will appear first, separated from the semantic note designator by a vertical bar (|). The number 00 to the left of the comment identifies semantic notes that are general in nature.

Type ASCII Value EBCDIC Value Character Character Name
Repetition Separator 7C 4F | Pipe
Segment Terminator 5C E0 \ Back Slash
Element Separator 7E A1 ~ Tilde
Sub-element Separator 5E 5F ^ Caret
Padding Character 20 40 Space Space

Electronic Filing of Tax Return Data


This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Electronic filing of Tax Return Data Transaction Set (813) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used by tax filers to electronically file tax returns with a federal, state, or local taxing authority and which may initiate payments related to the tax return.

Table 1

    0100 ST Transaction Set Header M 1
    0200 BTI Beginning Tax Information M 1
    0300 DTM Date/Time Reference M 10
    0400 TIA Tax Information Amount O 1,000
    0430 REF Reference Identification O 10
    0450 TRN Trace O 1,000
    0470 BPR Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice O 1,000
    • Loop Repeat >1
      LOOP ID – N1
      0500 N1 Name O 1
      0600 N2 Additional Name Information O 2
      0700 IN2 Individual Name Structure Components O 10
      0800 N3 Address Information O 2
      0900 N4 Geographic Location O 1
      1000 PER Administrative Communications Contact O 2

Table 2

  • Loop Repeat 100,000
    0100 TFS Tax Form O 1
    0200 REF Reference Identification O 10
    0300 DTM Date/Time Reference O 10
    0400 MSG Message Text O 1,000
    • Loop Repeat >1
      LOOP ID – N1
      0500 N1 Name O 1
      0600 N2 Additional Name Information O 2
      0700 IN2 Individual Name Structure Components O 10
      0800 N3 Address Information O 2
      0900 N4 Geographic Location O 1
    • Loop Repeat 10,000
      LOOP ID – TIA
      0920 TIA Tax Information and Amount O 1
      0940 DTM Date/Time Reference O 10
      0960 MSG Message Text O 1,000
    • Loop Repeat 100,000
      1000 FGS Form Group O 1
      1100 DTM Date/Time Reference O 10
      1200 DTM Date/Time Reference O 10
      • Loop Repeat >1
        LOOP ID – N1
        1300 N1 Name O 1
        1400 N2 Additional Name Information O 2
        1500 IN2 Individual Name Structure Components O 10
        1600 N3 Address Information O 2
        1700 N4 Geographic Location O 1
      • Loop Repeat 10,000
        LOOP ID – TIA
        1800 TIA Tax Information and Amount O 1
        1900 DTM Date/Time Reference O 10
        2000 MSG Message Text O 1,000

Table 3

    0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer M 1


  1. 0400 - The TIA segment allows for tax information and amounts associated with the entire filing. At least one occurrence of the TIA segment must be present in the transaction set, either in Table 1 or Table 2.
  2. 0500 - This N1 loop reflects names and addresses associated with the entire filing.
  3. 0500 - This N1 loop reflects names and addresses associated with a particular tax form (TFS).
  4. 0920 - at least one occurrence of the TIA segment must be present in the transaction set, either in Table 1 or Table 2.
  5. 1300 - This N1 loop reflects names and addresses associated with a particular subset of a tax form.
  6. 1800 - At least one occurrence of the TIA segment must be present in the transaction set, either in Table 1 or Table 2.

Not Used by California Segments not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Header
0100 ST Transaction Set Header
0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information
0300 DTM Tax Filing Period
0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority's Implementation Guide
0400 TIA Confidential Information
0400 TIA Total Net Reported
0430 REF Sequence Error ID Number
0500 N1 Taxpayer Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
0800 N3 Address Detail
0900 N4 City, State, Zip Code Detail
1000 PER General Contact Person
1000 PER EDI Contact Person
0500 N1 Mailing Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Mailing Name Detail
0800 N3 Mailing Address Detail
0900 N4 Mailing City State Zip Code Detail

Pos No Uniform 813 Map TOR SCH
0100 TFS Terminal Operator Report Schedules
0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction
0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
0200 REF No Activity  
0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date  
0500 N1   Point of Origin
0500 N1   Seller Information
0500 N1   Position Holder Information
0500 N1   Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)
0500 N1   Carrier Information
0500 N1   Buyer/Consignee Information
0500 N1   Point of Destination
0920 TIA    
1000 FGS Physical Inventory by Product Bill of Lading
1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
1200 DTM   Bill of Lading Date
1800 TIA Physical Inventory Bill of Lading Net
1800 TIA   Bill of Lading Gross
1800 TIA   Bill of Lading Billed

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Trailer
0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

Not Used by California Segments not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Header
0100 ST Transaction Set Header
0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information
0300 DTM Tax Filing Period
0470 BPR Payment Order/Remittance Advice
0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority s Implementation Guide
0400 TIA Confidential Information
0400 TIA Total Net Reported
0430 REF Sequence Error ID Number
0500 N1 Taxpayer Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
0800 N3 Address Detail
0900 N4 City, State, Zip Code Detail
1000 PER General Contact Person
1000 PER EDI Contact Person
0500 N1 Mailing Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Mailing Name Detail
0800 N3 Mailing Address Detail
0900 N4 Mailing City State Zip Code Detail

Pos No Uniform 813 Map SDR SUM SCH
0100 TFS Supplier/Distributor Report Summary Information Schedules
0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction
0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
0200 REF No Activity    
0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date    
0500 N1     Point of Origin
0500 N1     Seller Information
0500 N1     Position Holder Information
0500 N1     Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)
0500 N1     Carrier Information
0500 N1     Buyer/Consignee Information
0500 N1     Point of Destination
0920 TIA Total Due    
1000 FGS Physical Inventory by Product Summary Data Bill of Lading
1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
1200 DTM     Bill of Lading Date
1800 TIA Physical Inventory Tax Information Bill of Lading Net
1800 TIA   Interest Bill of Lading Gross
1800 TIA   Penalty Bill of Lading Billed

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Trailer
0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

Not Used by California Segments not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Header
0100 ST Transaction Set Header
0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information
0300 DTM Tax Filing Period
0470 BPR Payment Order/Remittance Advice
0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority s Implementation Guide
0400 TIA Confidential Information
0400 TIA Total Net Reported
0430 REF Sequence Error ID Number
0500 N1 Taxpayer Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
0800 N3 Address Detail
0900 N4 City, State, Zip Code Detail
1000 PER General Contact Person
1000 PER EDI Contact Person
0500 N1 Mailing Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Mailing Name Detail
0800 N3 Mailing Address Detail
0900 N4 Mailing City State Zip Code Detail

Pos No Uniform 813 Map DLR SUM SCH
0100 TFS Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Report Summary Information Schedules
0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction
0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
0200 REF No Activity    
0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date    
0500 N1     Point of Origin
0500 N1     Seller Information
0500 N1     Position Holder Information
0500 N1     Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)
0500 N1     Carrier Information
0500 N1     Buyer/Consignee Information
0500 N1     Point of Destination
0920 TIA Total Due    
1000 FGS Physical Inventory by Product Summary Data Bill of Lading
1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
1200 DTM     Bill of Lading Date
1800 TIA Physical Inventory Tax Information Bill of Lading Net
1800 TIA   Interest Bill of Lading Gross
1800 TIA   Penalty Bill of Lading Billed

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Trailer
0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

Not Used by California Segments not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Header
0100 ST Transaction Set Header
0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information
0300 DTM Tax Filing Period
0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority's Implementation Guide
0400 TIA Confidential Information
0400 TIA Total Net Reported
0430 REF Sequence Error ID Number
0500 N1 Taxpayer Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
0800 N3 Address Detail
0900 N4 City, State, Zip Code Detail
1000 PER General Contact Person
1000 PER EDI Contact Person
0500 N1 Mailing Name Detail
0600 N2 Additional Mailing Name Detail
0800 N3 Mailing Address Detail
0900 N4 Mailing City State Zip Code Detail

Pos No Uniform 813 Map CCR SCH
0100 TFS Common Carrier Report Schedules
0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Relationship to the Transaction
0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number Sequence Error ID Number
0200 REF No Activity  
0300 DTM    
0500 N1   Point of Origin
0500 N1   Seller Information
0500 N1   Position Holder Information
0500 N1   Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)
0500 N1   Carrier Information
0500 N1   Buyer/Consignee Information
0500 N1   Point of Destination
0920 TIA Total Delivered  
1000 FGS   Bill of Lading
1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
1200 DTM   Bill of Lading Date
1800 TIA   Bill of Lading Net
1800 TIA   Bill of Lading Gross
1800 TIA   Bill of Lading Billed

Pos No Uniform 813 Map Trailer
0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

  • Max 1
    • 0100 ST Transaction Set Header (TS813)
      • 0200 BTI Identify Tax Agency Information
      • 0300 DTM Tax Filing Period
      • 0470 BPR Payment Order/Remittance Advice
      • 0400 TIA Version of Taxing Authority's Implementation Guide
      • 0400 TIA Confidential Information
      • 0400 TIA Total Net Reported
      • 0430 REF Sequence Error ID Number
      • Max 1
        • 0500 N1 Loop Taxpayer Name Detail
          • 0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
          • 0800 N3 Address Detail
          • 0900 N4 City, State, ZIP Code Detail
          • 1000 PER General Contact Person
          • 1000 PER EDI Contact Person
      • Max 1
        • N1 Loop Mailing Name Detail
          • 0600 N2 Additional Taxpayer Name Detail
          • 0800 N3 Address Detail
          • 0900 N4 City, State, ZIP Code Detail
      • Maximum Number of TFS Loops = 100,000
        • TFS Loop Terminal Operator Report (TOR)
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • 0200 REF No Activity
          • 0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Physical Inventory by Product
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1800 TIA Physical Inventory
        • 0100 TFS Loop Supplier/Distributor Report (SDR)
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • 0200 REF No Activity
          • 0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date
          • 0920 TIA Total Due
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Line Items from Face of Return Not Derived from Schedules
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1800 TIA Line Item Detail
        • 0100 TFS Loop Petroleum Carrier Report (CCR)
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • 0200 REF No Activity
          • 0920 TIA Total Delivered
        • 0100 TFS Loop Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Report (DLR)
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • 0200 REF No Activity
          • 0300 DTM Ending Inventory Date
          • 0920 TIA Total Due
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Line Items from Face of Return Not Derived from Schedules
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1800 TIA Line Item Detail
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Physical Inventory by Product
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1800 TIA Physical Inventory
        • 0100 TFS Loop Summary Information
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Summary Data
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1800 TIA Information
              • 1800 TIA Interest
              • 1800 TIA Penalty
        • 0100 TFS Loop Schedules
          • 0200 REF Relationship to the Transaction Information
          • 0200 REF Sequence Error ID Number
          • 0500 N1 Point of Origin
          • 0500 N1 Seller Information
          • 0500 N1 Position Holder Information
          • 0500 N1 Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor)
          • 0500 N1 Carrier Information
          • 0500 N1 Buyer/Consignee Information
          • 0500 N1 Point of Destination
          • Max 100,000
            • 1000 FGS Loop Bill Lading
              • 1100 REF Sequence Error ID Number
              • 1200 DTM Bill of Lading Date
              • 1800 TIA Bill of Lading Net
              • 1800 TIA Bill of Lading Gross
              • 1800 TIA Bill of Lading Billed
      • 0100 SE Transaction Set Trailer

Not Used in FTA Map Not used: no data to transmit
Notes Note: important to read all notes
Not Used by California Segments, Elements and Codes not used by California that are part of the Standard FTA Map
Syntax Notes Translation Syntax Requirements The California translator will enforce these rules.

Interchange Segment (Required)
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
ISA01 I01   M Authorization Information Qualifier ID 2 2 00 = No Authorization Information Present (No Meaningful Information In Isa02) 03 = Additional Data Identification
ISA02 I02   M Authorization Information AN 10 10 Enter the 10-character Authorization Code provided to the filer by the CDTFA or 0000000000 .
ISA03 I03   M Security Information Qualifier ID 2 2 00 = No Security Information Present (No Meaningful Information In ISA 04) 01 = Password
ISA04 I04   M Security Information AN 10 10 Enter the 10-character Password provided by the filer to the CDTFA in the filer s Trading Partner Agreement or 0000000000 .
ISA05 I05   M Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2 2 01 = DUNS Number 32 = the Interchange Sender ID Qualifier for the sender's FEIN ZZ = ID qualifier published by the sender used to designate the sender ID element being qualified.
ISA06 I06   M Interchange Sender ID AN 15 15 Sender's FEIN plus 6 spaces [xxxxxxxxx      ]
ISA07 I05   M Interchange ID Qualifier ID 2 2 01 = DUNS 32 = the Interchange Sender ID Qualifier for the sender's FEIN ZZ = ID qualifier published by the sender used to designate the sender ID element being qualified.
ISA08 I07   M Interchange Receiver ID AN 15 15 [116725470      ] = CDTFA DUNS number plus 6 trailing spaces. The spaces are required.
ISA09 I08   M Interchange Date DT 6 6 YYMMDD = Date Of The Interchange
ISA10 I09   M Interchange Time TM 4 4 HHMM = Time Of The Interchange
ISA11 I65   M Repetition Separator   1 1 | (Pipe) = EBCDIC 4F HEX or
ISA12 I11   M Interchange Control Version Number ID 5 5 00403 = Draft standards for trial use approved for publication by ASC X12 procedures review board through 10/99.
ISA13 I12   M Interchange Control Number N0 9 9 Filer defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings. This number should also be entered in IEA02.
ISA14 I13   M Acknowledgement Requested ID 1 1 0 = No ISA Acknowledgement Required 1 = ISA Acknowledgement Required
ISA15 I14   M Usage Indicator ID 1 1 P = Production Data T = Test Data
ISA16 I15   M Component Sub-Element Separator   1 1 ^ (Caret) = EBCDIC 5F HEX or
ISA~03~T5ZXM54W23~01~CA67MFFILE~32~757654321       ~01~116725470       ~010630~ 0931~|~00403~000001001~0~P~^\
SYNTAX NOTES: ISA05 Value 32 (FEIN Qualifier) is required. ISA06 Sender FEIN is required.
ISA09 does not include the century based on the ANSI ASC X.12 Standard.

Functional Group Segment (Required)
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
GS01 479   M Functional Identifier Code ID 2 2 TF = Electronic Filing Of Tax Return Data (TS813)
GS02 142   M Application Sender's Code AN 2 15 Code identifying party sending transmission. Code assigned by sender and agreed to by trading partner.
GS03 124   M Application Receiver s Code AN 2 15 116725470050 = CDTFA DUNS Number plus 050 for Data Analysis Section.
GS04 373   M/Z Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD = Date
GS05 337   M/Z Time TM 4 8 HHMMSSDD = Time
GS06 28   M/Z Group Control Number N0 1 9 Filer defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings. This number should also be entered in GE02.
GS07 455   M Responsible Agency Code ID 1 2 X = ASC X12
GS08 480   M Version/ Release / Industry Identifier Code AN 1 12 004030/CDTFA = Draft standards approved for publication by ASC X12 procedures review board through 10/99 and indicator that the map used is the CDTFA map.
GS~TF~COMPANYROUTING ~116725470050~20010630~0931~1101~X~004030/CDTFA\

Beginning of Transaction Set (Required) Header Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
ST01 143   M Transaction Set Code ID 3 3 813 = Transaction Set Type
ST02 329   M Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Filer defined unique control number for this filing. This control number should never be reused for any future filings. This number should also be entered in SE02.
ST03 1705   O/Z Implementation Convention Reference AN 1 4 Reference assigned to identify Implementation Convention. 0300 = Version 3, Release 00.

Identify Tax Agency Information (Required) Begin Tax Information Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
BTI01 128   M Reference Number Qualifier ID 2 2 T6 = Defines as Tax Filing
BTI02 127   M Reference Number AN 3 3 050 = All Fuels Tax Filings
BTI03 66   M ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 47 = Tax Authority
BTI04 67   M ID Code AN 2 20 116725470050 = CDTFA DUNS Number plus 050 for Data Analysis Section
BTI05 373   O Transaction Create Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD = Transmission Date
BTI06 818 O Name Control ID AN 1 4 First 4 positions of Taxpayer s Legal Business Name. If business name is less than 4 characters, left justify name control and pad with * .
BTI07 66   X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN Federal Employer Identification Number 34 = Social Security Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number
BTI08 67   X ID Code AN 9 18 Taxpayer s FEIN or SSN
BTI09 66   X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 49 = State (assigned) Identification Number
BTI10 67   X ID Code AN 9 20 CDTFA Account Number
BTI11 66 X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 48 = IRS Electronic Filer ID Number
BTI12 67 X ID Code AN 9 15 637 Permit Number
BTI13 353   O Transaction Set Purpose Code ID 2 2 Options: 00 = Original
BTI14 640   O Transaction Type Code ID 2 2 Options: 6R = Replacement 6S = Supplemental
SYNTAX NOTES: 07 P0708 - If either BTI07 or BTI08 is present, then the other is required. 09 P0910 - If either BTI09 or BTI10 is present, then the other is required. 11 P1112 - If either BTI11 or BTI12 is present, then the other is required.
BTI07 must be the FEIN if the taxpayer has one. Submit a SSN only for sole proprietorships that have not been issued a FEIN.
The application of BTI13 and BTI14 are as follows: BTI13 should be used when the taxpayer transmits its initial return or report (BTI13 should be used without BTI14); BTI14 should be used when the taxpayer transmits modifications to the return or report (BTI14 should be used without BTI13).
Element ID Application
BTI13 [Initial Return]  
00 = Original Use Original when you first attempt to transmit your return to the Department, whether or not the Department receives your return.
Element ID Application
BTI14 [Amended Return]  
6R = Replacement Use Replacement when replacing the original filing or the first attempt to transmit amended return was not received by the Department.
6S = Supplemental Use Supplemental when transmitting new or additional data not included in original or amended return.
Tax Filing Period (Required) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 194 = Tax Period End Date 683 = Filing Period
DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD = Tax Filing Period End
DTM03 and DTM04 are not used.
DTM05 1250   X Date Time Period Format Qualifier ID 3 3 RD8 = Range of Dates
DTM06 1251   X Date Time Period AN 17 17 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD = Tax Filing Period Beginning and Ending Dates
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 DTM05 is required. 05 P0506 - If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required.
02 If qualifier 194 is used in DTM01, then DTM05 and DTM06 are not used.
If qualifier 683 is used in DTM01, DTM05 and DTM06 are required.
Line Item Control Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0430
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 FJ = Line Item Control Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 4 9 Control Number
Syntax Notes: REF02 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required.

+ The payment order remittance advice is included as a convenience for industry if a taxing authority accepts a BPR segment. The recommendation is not to mandate this as the only method of payment a taxing authority accepts.

Payment Order/Remittance Advice (Optional) Beginning Segment Pos. No. 0470
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 194 = Tax Period End Date 683 = Filing Period
DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD = Tax Filing Period End
DTM03 and DTM04 are not used.
DTM05 1250   X Date Time Period Format Qualifier ID 3 3 RD8 = Range of Dates
DTM06 1251   X Date Time Period AN 17 17 CCYYMMDD-CCYYMMDD = Tax Filing Period Beginning and Ending Dates
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 DTM05 is required. 05 P0506 - If either DTM05 or DTM06 is present, then the other is required.
03 If qualifier 194 is used in DTM01, then DTM05 and DTM06 are not used.
If qualifier 683 is used in DTM01, DTM05 and DTM06 are required.
Payment Order Remittance Advice (Optional) Beginning Segment Pos. No. 0470
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
BPR01 305   M Transaction Handling Code ID 1 2 S = Single Debit Authorization P = Pre-notification
BPR02 782   M Monetary Amount R 1 11 Amount of tax payment. Remit whole dollars.
BPR03 478   M Credit/Debit Flag Code ID 1 1 D = Debit
BPR04 591   M Payment Method Code ID 3 3 ACH = Automated Clearing House
BPR05 812   M Payment Format Code ID 3 3 CCD = Cash Concentration/Disbursement CCP = Cash Concentration/Disbursement plus Addenda (CCD+)
BPR06 through BPR11 are not used.
BPR12 506   M (RDFI) ID Number Qualifier ID 2 2 01 = ABA Transit Routing Number and Check Digits
BPR13 507   M (RDFI) Identification Number AN 3 12 Taxpayer s Bank Routing and Transit Number
BPR14 569   M (RDFI) Account Number Qualifier ID 1 3 DA = Demand Deposit SG = Savings
BPR15 508   M (RDFI) Account Number AN 1 35 Taxpayer s Bank Accounted to be Debited
BPR16 373   M Date DT 8 8 The intended payment effective date (CCYYMMDD)
BPR17 1048   M Business Function Code ID 1 3 TAX = Tax Payment
Syntax Notes: 02 Monetary Amount is the payment amount remitted for the period. It may include payment for applicable interest and penalties. The payment amount must be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. Do not report a decimal or cents.
BPR02 field-length requirements differ from industry standards. The BPR02 maximum is reduced from 18 to 11.


Total Net Reported (Required) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 0400
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information Code AN 4 4 TIA Code 5001 = Total Net Reported or 5007 = Billed
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Total Number of Gallons in Tax Filing
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 01 Use TIA Code 5001 when filing the Terminal Operator Information Report or Petroleum Carrier Report. Use TIA Code 5007 when filing the Supplier Returns. 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter the Total Number of Gallons in the reporting, rounded to the nearest whole gallon. 04 Compute the gallons for this check value as follows: Petroleum Carrier Report Add the total net gallons from Schedules 14D and 14E to Total Net Transported gallons reported in the CCR section. Terminal Operator Information Report Add the total net gallons from Schedules 15A and 15B to Ending Inventory gallons reported on Schedule 15C in the TOR section. Supplier Returns Add the total billed gallons from the SUM (Summary) section and the various Receipt and Disbursement detail schedules. Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Return Add the total billed gallons from the various Receipt and Disbursement detail schedules to Ending Inventory gallons reported on Schedule 15C in the DLR section. 05 C0504 - If TIA05 is present, then TIA04 is required.
Even though the total gallons in the tax filing can be calculated, it must be provided as a control figure to verify that the amount calculated by the Tax Authority is the same as what the information provider calculated.
Sequence Error ID Number (Required) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0430
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 06 = Sequence Error ID Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 7 Sequence Error ID Number
Name Detail (Required) Name Segment Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 TP = Primary Taxpayer or L9 = Information Provider 31 = Postal Mailing Address A second 1/N1 loop using this code value must be provided containing, at a minimum, an N1, N3 and N4 segment if the mailing address is different than the physical address. If you wish to provide a different mailing address, provide a second N1 loop using 31 .
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Name
N1~TP~ABC Supplier Company\ or N1~TP~ABC Jet Fuel Dealer Company\ or N1~L9~ABC Terminal Company\ or N1~L9~ABC Petroleum Carrier Company\
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - N102 is required.
N101: Use TP for a Supplier or Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer filing. Use L9 for a Terminal Operator or Petroleum Carrier filing.


Additional Taxpayer Name Detail (Optional) Additional Name Segment Pos. No. 0600
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N201 93   M Name AN 1 35 Name
N202 93   O Name AN 1 35 Name
N2~A Terminal Company\ or N2~Alpha Terminal Company~Alpha Seaport Terminal\
N201 and N202: Use these elements to provide additional name detail such as a DBA, etc.
Address Detail (Required) Address Information Segment Pos. No. 0800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N301 166   M Address Information AN 1 35 First Line Street Address
N302 166   O Address Information AN 1 35 Second Line Street Address
N3~48 Washington St\ or N3~48 Washington St~120 Trinity St\
City, State, Zip Code Detail (Required) Location Geographic Segment Pos. No. 0900
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N401 19   O City Name AN 2 30 Name of City
N402 156   X State code or Province ID 2 2 State or Province Abbreviation
N403 116   O Postal (Zip) Code ID 3 11 ZIP Code, ZIP Plus 4 Code or Foreign Postal code
N404 26   X Country ID 2 3 Country Abbreviation (United States = USA)
N4~Any Town~CA~25421-5555~US\


General Contact Person (Required) Administrative Communications Contact Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
PER01 366   M Contact Function Code ID 2 2 CN = General Contact
PER02 93   O Name AN 1 35 Contact Name
PER03 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 TE = Telephone Number
PER04 364   X Communications Number AN 10 14 Voice Telephone Number
PER05 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 FX = FAX Number
PER06 364   X Communications Number AN 10 10 FAX Telephone Number
PER07 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 EM = Electronic Mail
PER08 364   X Communications Number AN 1 80 Email Address
PER~CN~Jon J.\
SYNTAX NOTES: 03 P0304 - If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required. 05 P0506 - If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required. 07 P0708 - If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.
EDI Contact Person (Required) Administrative Communications Contact Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
PER01 366   M Contact Function Code ID 2 2 EA = EDI Coordinator
PER02 93   O Name AN 1 35 Contact Name
PER03 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 TE = Telephone Number
PER04 364   X Communications Number AN 10 14 Voice Telephone Number
PER05 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 FX = FAX Number
PER06 364   X Communications Number AN 10 10 FAX Telephone Number
PER07 365   X Communications Number Qualifier ID 2 2 EM = Electronic Mail
PER08 364   X Communications Number AN 1 80 Email Address
PER~EA~Bob T.\
SYNTAX NOTES: 03 P0304 - If either PER03 or PER04 is present, then the other is required. 05 P0506 - If either PER05 or PER06 is present, then the other is required. 07 P0708 - If either PER07 or PER08 is present, then the other is required.

The following segments are required if the mailing address is different than the physical address.

Mailing Name Detail (Optional) Name Segment Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 31 = Postal Mailing
N102 93 X Name AN 1 35 Mailing Name
Mailing Additional Name Detail (Optional) Additional Name Segment Pos. No. 0600
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N201 93 M Name AN 1 35 Mailing Name
N202 93 O Name AN 1 35 Mailing Name


Mailing Address Detail (Optional) Address Information Segment Pos. No. 0800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N301 166 M Address Information AN 1 35 First Line Street Address
N302 166 O Address Information AN 1 35 Second Line Street Address
Mailing City, State, Zip Code Detail (Optional) Location Geographic Segment Pos. No. 0900
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N401 19 O City Name AN 2 30 Name of City
N402 156 X State code or Province ID 2 2 State or Province Abbreviation
N403 116 O Postal (Zip) Code ID 3 11 ZIP Code, ZIP Plus 4 Code or Foreign Postal code
N404 26 X Country ID 2 3 Country Abbreviation (United States = USA)
End of Transaction Set Header

The TOR loop contains the Ending Inventory for the Terminal reported in this filing. Detailed transactions associated with the TOR are located in the schedule loops of this map. Repeat the FGS loop for each reportable product, thereby reporting inventory by product code.

Beginning of Terminal Operator Report (Required) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 T2 = Tax Form Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 3 3 TOR = Terminal Operator Report
TFS03 and TFS04 are not used
TFS05 66   X ID Code Qualifier ID 2 2 TC = IRS Terminal Code
TFS06 67   X ID Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Control Number (TCN)
SYNTAX NOTES: 05 P0506 - If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required.
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Required) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs.
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05 and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and its relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.


Condition 1 - If account has no activity this segment is required. The Condition 2 DTM and FGS are not used.

No Activity (Conditional) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 BE = Business Activity
REF02 127   X Name AN 1 20 1 = No Activity
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
Sold/Acquired Date (Conditional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 572 = Date Property Sold 631 = Date Property Acquired
DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD
Syntax Notes: DTM02 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used once when you purchase or sell a terminal.

Condition 2 - If account has activity the DTM and FGS segments are required. The Condition 1REF is not used. This FGS loop contains inventory information. The FGS loop repeated when the product code value changes.

Ending Inventory Date (Conditional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 184 = Inventory Date
DTM02 373   X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R020305 - DTM02 is required.
Physical Inventory by Product (Conditional) Form Group Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
FGS01 350   M Assigned Identification AN 2 2 BI = Beginning Inventory (First Filing) EI = Ending Inventory GL = Gains and Losses
FGS02 128   X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 "PG" = Product Group
FGS03 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code See Product Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTA "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Code Number" or CDTFA-810-FTB "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Type"
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 P0203 - If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required.



Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 1100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Inventory (Required if FGS is Used) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5002 = Ending Physical Inventory
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity Gains should always be entered as a positive amount. Losses must always be entered as negative values (i.e., -5000) Ending Inventory should never fall below zero (0) for a filing period. Initial submission of Ending Inventory should always be a positive value. Any change to Ending Inventory will always be treated as an adjustment to the original submission.
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter Ending Net Physical Inventory rounded to the nearest whole gallon. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.
Ending Physical Inventory is the only value reported. All other information is derivable from schedules.
End of FGS loop (Line item detail) End of TFS loop (TOR detail)

The TFS loop contains information for the Supplier Fuel Tax Return. Details associated with this filing are located in the summary and schedule loops.

Beginning of Supplier/Distributor Report Detail (Required) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 T2 = Tax Form Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 3 3 SDR = Supplier/Distributor Report
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Required) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05 and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and its relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.

Condition 1 - If account has no activity the REF is required. The Condition 2 TIA is not used.

No Activity (Conditional) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 BE = Business Activity
REF02 127   X Name AN 1 20 1 = No Activity
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.

Condition 2 - If account has activity the TIA is required. The Condition 1 REF is not used.

Ending Inventory Date (Conditional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 184 = Inventory Date
DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD
Use this segment when reporting ending inventory in the FGS Loop for the supplier/distributor.
Total Due (Conditional) Tax Information and amount Segment Pos. No. 0920
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5003 = Total Due
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
TIA03 is not used.
TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA02 is required. 02 Total Due is the sum of total tax owed for the period, plus applicable interest and penalties, in whole dollars.
Physical Inventory by Product (Conditional) Form Group Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
FGS01 350 M Assigned Identification AN 2 2 BI = Beginning Inventory EI = Ending Inventory
FGS02 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 PG = Product Group
FGS03 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 3 Product Code
This FGS allows looping to report Inventory by product. Repeat this loop (a single TIA per FGS) as many times as needed to complete reporting requirements.
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 1100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Inventory (Required if FGS is Used) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817 M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 5002 = Physical Inventory
TIA02 - TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liter
Physical Inventory is the only value passed in this loop. All other information is derivable from schedules.
End of FGS loop (Line item detail) End of TFS loop (SDR detail)

The CCR loop contains the total gallons transported by a Petroleum Carrier for this filing. Detailed transactions associated with the CCR are located in the schedule loops of this map.

Beginning of Common Carrier Report (Required) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 "T2" = Tax Form Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 3 3 "CCR" = Petroleum Carrier Report
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Required) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05 and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and their relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.

Condition 1 - If account has no activity the REF is required. The Condition 2 TIA is not used.

No Activity (Conditional) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 BE = Business Activity
REF02 127   X Name AN 1 20 1 = No Activity
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.

Condition 2 - If account has activity the TIA is required. The Condition 1 REF is not used.

Total Delivered (Conditional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 0920
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5004 = Total Net Transported
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 "GA" = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter Total Net Gallons Transported rounded to the nearest whole gallons. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.
End of TFS loop (CCR detail)

The TFS loop contains information for the Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Tax Return. Details associated with this filing are located in the summary and schedule loops.

Beginning of Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Return Detail (Required) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 T2 = Tax Form Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 3 3 DLR = Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Report
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Required) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05 and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and its relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.

Condition 1 - If account has no activity the REF is required. The Condition 2 TIA is not used.

No Activity (Conditional) Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 BE = Business Activity
REF02 127   X Name AN 1 20 1 = No Activity
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.

Condition 2 - If account has activity the TIA is required. The Condition 1 REF is not used.

Ending Inventory Date (Conditional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374 M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 184 = Inventory Date
DTM02 373 X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD
Use this segment when reporting ending inventory in the FGS Loop for the supplier/distributor.
Total Due (Conditional) Tax Information and amount Segment Pos. No. 0920
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5003 = Total Due
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
TIA03 is not used.
TIA04 380 X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355 M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 03 R0203040607 - TIA02 is required. 02 Total Due is the sum of total tax owed for the period, plus applicable interest and penalties, in whole dollars.
This FGS loop contains inventory information. The FGS loop repeated when the product code value changes.
Ending Inventory Date (Conditional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 0300
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 184 = Inventory Date
DTM02 373   X Date DT 8 8 CCYYMMDD
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R020305 - DTM02 is required.
Physical Inventory by Product (Conditional) Form Group Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
FGS01 350   M Assigned Identification AN 2 2 BI = Beginning Inventory (First Filing) EI = Ending Inventory GL = Gains and Losses
FGS02 128   X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 "PG" = Product Group
FGS03 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code See Product Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTA "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Code Number" or CDTFA-810-FTB "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Type"
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 P0203 - If either FGS02 or FGS03 is present, then the other is required.
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 1100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Inventory (Required if FGS is Used) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5002 = Ending Physical Inventory
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity Gains should always be entered as a positive amount. Losses must always be entered as negative values (i.e., -5000) Ending Inventory should never fall below zero (0) for a filing period. Initial submission of Ending Inventory should always be a positive value. Any change to Ending Inventory will always be treated as an adjustment to the original submission.
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons LT = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 03 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter Ending Net Physical Inventory rounded to the nearest whole gallon. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.
Ending Physical Inventory is the only value reported. All other information is derivable from schedules.
End of FGS loop (Line item detail) End of TFS loop (DLR detail)

This TFS loop begins the summary information. This section is used to report information that cannot be derived from the transaction schedules. Three events are reported using summary information segments. They are: Total tax, interest, and penalty due with the tax return. When reporting this summary information segment, do not include the tax rate segment. Individual product tax rate, tax due, and taxable gallons due for the tax return. When reporting this summary information segment, do not include the interest or penalty segments. Summary schedule (gallons by product not reported at the transaction level). When reporting a summary schedule summary information segment, do not include the tax rate, interest, or penalty segments. The summary information segment is repeated when one of the following values change: TFS02 - Summary Code; TFS 04 - Product Code; TIA02 Tax Rate. If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Summary Information Segment TFS loop.

Beginning of Summary Information (Conditional) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 T3 = Tax Schedule Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 1 6 TFS02 Summary Code See Schedule and Summary Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTE
TFS03 128   X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 PG = Product Group
TFS04 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code See Product Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTA "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Code Number" or CDTFA-810-FTB "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Type"
TFS05 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 94 = Mode
TFS06 67   X Identification Code AN 2 9 CE = Transaction Type Mode Code
SYNTAX NOTES: 04 P0304 - If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required. 06 P0506 - If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required. THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING TOTAL TAX, INTEREST AND PENALTY DUE SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT 02 TFS01 and TFS02 are required. Report Summary Code S02 in TFS02. 04 TFS03 and TFS04 are not required. 06 TFS05 and TFS06 are required. Example: TFS~T3~S02~~~94~CE\ THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING AN INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT TAX RATE, TAX DUE, AND TAXABLE GALLONS SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT: 06 TFS01, TFS02, TFS03, TFS04, TFS05, and TFS06 are required. Report Summary Code S02 in TFS02. Example: TFS~T3~S02~PG~167~94~CE\ THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING A SUMMARY SCHEDULE SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT: 06 TFS01, TFS02, TFS03, TFS04, TFS05, and TFS06 are required. Report Summary Code S02A, S03A, S04, or S05I in TFS02. Example: TFS~T3~S02A~PG~167~94~CE\
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Conditional) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05, and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and their relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Summary Data (Conditional) Forms Group Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
FGS01 350   M Assigned Identification AN 1 1 "S" = Schedule Summary
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Tax Rate (Conditional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5024 = Tax Rate
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 4 4 Rate in .nnn
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 TIA02 is required when reporting tax rate. 02 Enter the amount of applicable tax rate as a dollar amount. 17 Report a tax rate of forty-seven and three-tenths cents per gallon ($0.473) as .473 02 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format. THIS SEGMENT IS USED WHEN REPORTING AN INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT TAX RATE, TAX DUE, AND TAXABLE GALLONS DUE FOR THE TAX RETURN SEGMENT
Information (Conditional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5007 = Billed
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 "GA" = Gallons "LT" = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - At least one of TIA02 or TIA04 is required. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required. THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING A TOTAL TAX, INTEREST, AND PENALTY DUE SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT: 02 TIA02 is required. Enter total tax due for this filing rounded to the nearest whole dollar. 04 TIA04 is not required. Example: TIA~5007~100891\ THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING AN INDIVIDUAL PRODUCT TAX RATE, TAX DUE, AND TAXABLE GALLONS SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT: 02 TIA02 is required. Enter total tax due for this filing rounded to the nearest whole dollar. 04 TIA04 is required. Enter taxable gallons for this filing rounded to the nearest whole gallon. Example: TIA~5007~197858~~560504~GA\ THE FOLLOWING RULE APPLIES WHEN REPORTING A SUMMARY SCHEDULE SUMMARY INFORMATION SEGMENT: 02 TIA02 is not required. 04 TIA04 is required. Enter taxable gallons for this filing rounded to the nearest whole gallon. Example: TIA~5007~~~560504~GA\
Interest (Conditional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5008 = Interest
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA02 is required when reporting interest due. 02 Enter the computed Interest Due rounded to the nearest whole dollar. 02 Interest due on a late filing is computed as follows: Remaining Tax Due x Monthly Interest Factor x No. of Months Late = Interest Due (Remaining Tax Due is the total tax due less any amounts prepaid prior to the due date of the return.) (Monthly Interest Factor is the Annual Interest Rate 12. Contact the CDTFA to obtain the current factor. ) (No. of Months Late is the number of months computed from the due date of the return being filed. A partial month is rounded up to count as a whole month.)
Penalty (Conditional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5009 = Penalty
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA02 is required when reporting penalty due. 02 Enter the amount of applicable penalty, rounded to the nearest whole dollar. 02 10% Penalty Due on a late filing is computed as follows: Remaining Tax Due x 0.10 (10%) = Penalty Due
Excess Fees Collected (Optional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5026 = Excess Tax Collected
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 1 15 Whole Dollar Amount
SYNTAX NOTES: 04 TIA02 is required when reporting excess tax collected. 02 Enter the amount of excess tax collected, rounded to the nearest whole dollar.
End of TFS loop (SUM Section)

This TFS loop begins the transaction detail. The TFS loop is repeated when one of the following values changes: Schedule Code, Product Code, Mode Code, Relationship, Origin, Seller, Position Holder, Consignor, Carrier, Buyer/Consignee, or Destination. If there are no transactions to report in this filing, it is not necessary to transmit a Schedule Segment TFS loop. It is implied that there is no activity in this filing.

Beginning of Schedules (Required) Tax Form Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
TFS01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 T3 = Tax Schedule Code
TFS02 127   M Reference Identification AN 1 6 Schedule Type Code See Schedule and Summary Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTE "Instructions for Preparing Motor Fuels Schedules"
TFS03 128   X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 PG = Product Group
TFS04 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 Product Code See Product Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTA "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Code Number" or CDTFA-810-FTB "Product Code Table - Sorted By Product Type"
TFS05 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 94 = Mode
TFS06 67   X Identification Code AN 2 9 Mode Code See Transaction Type Mode Codes list in CDTFA-810-FTE "Instructions for Preparing Motor Fuels Schedules"
TFS~T3~5~PG~065~94~J \
SYNTAX NOTES: 03 P0304 - If either TFS03 or TFS04 is present, then the other is required. 05 P0506 - If either TFS05 or TFS06 is present, then the other is required.
Relationship to the Transaction Information (Required) Reference Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128   M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 SU = Special Processing
REF02 127   X Reference Identification AN 3 3 IRS = IRS Data N/A = If not applicable to the IRS
REF03 Not used
REF04 C040   O Reference Identifier        
REF05 C040 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF06 C040 127 M Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
REF07 C040 128 X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 S0 = Special Approval (S Zero)
REF08 C040 127 X Reference Identification AN 2 2 State Abbreviation to which the data belongs
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203 - REF02 is required.
REF02, REF05, and REF07 represent the taxing authorities and their relationship to the information in this TFS loop. REF05 REF07 use the sub-element separator. Example: REF~SU~N/A~~S0^CA^S0^NV\
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.

For Point of Origin/Terminal: (One of the following Options is Required)

Use Option 1 when the origin is a Terminal.

Use Option 2 when the origin is located inside or outside the State of California and is not an IRS approved terminal.

Use Option 3 when the origin is located in Your State and is a Non-Terminal and facility ID is used by state.

Option 1

Point of Origin (One of the two options is Required) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 OT = Origin Terminal
N102 is not used.
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 TC = IRS Terminal Code
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 9 IRS Terminal Code (contact the IRS for a complete listing of approved terminals)
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used if the origin is an IRS approved terminal.) 02 R0203 - N103 is required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.

Option 2

Point of Origin (One of the two options is Required) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 SF = Ship From
N102 93   X Name AN 2 3 Postal Abbreviation See Postal Abbreviation list in CDTFA-810-FTC "Postal Abbreviations Table"
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used if the origin is not an IRS approved terminal.) 02 R0203 - N102 is required.
Point of Origin (Optional) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N401 19 O City Name AN 2 30 Name of City
N402 156 X State or Province Code ID 2 2 State or Providence Abbreviation
N403 116 O Postal Code ID 3 11 ZIP or ZIP plus 4 Code
Point of Origin Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500
Element Elem Sub-Ele Field Field Name Field Length Field
ID Ref. # Ref. # Status Type Min Max Description
N401 19 O City Name AN 2 30 Name of City
N402 156 O State or Province Code ID 2 2 State or Province Abbreviation
N403 116 O Postal Code ID 3 11 ZIP or ZIP plus 4 Code
N404 26 X Country Code ID 2 3 Country (USA, CAN, MEX)
N405 309 X Location Qualifier ID 1 2 CY = County
N406 310 O Location Identifer AN 1 5 County
Syntax Notes: None
FTA Notes: N404 through N406 are optional. N406 is based on the federal county codes (see: N405 and N406 are not in the IRS 4030 map.

Option 3

Point of Origin (One of the three options is Required) Name Segment 1 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 WO = Storage Facility at Origin
N102 is not used.
N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 "FA" = Facility Identification
N104 67 X Identification Code AN 2 20 Facility/License Number
Seller Information (Required) Name Segment 2 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 SE = Selling Party
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Seller's Name
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Seller's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
N1~SE~ABC Oil Company~24~123456789\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used for reporting seller information on Schedules 1A, 2X, 3A, 3B, and 3X (receipts) of the Supplier Returns.) 02 R0203 - N102 and N103 are required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~SE~ABC OIL COMPANY~49~099999999\
Position Holder Information or Delivering Exchange Party Information (Required) Name Segment 3 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 ON = Position Holder
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Position Holder's Name
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number "FI" = Federal Taxpayer 637 ID Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Position Holder's FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number or IRS 637 Number
N1~ON~123 Position Holder Oil Co~24~234567891\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used for reporting position holder information on Schedule 15B of the Terminal Operator Report and the various disbursement schedules of the Supplier Returns.) 02 R0203 - N102 and N103 are required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~ON~123 Position Holder Oil Co~49~099999999\
Receiving Exchange Party Information Name Segment 4 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 EC = Exchanger
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Exchange Party Name or Control Name (First 4 position of taxpayer business name)
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number FI = Federal Taxpayer 637 ID Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Exchange Party FEIN or SSN or IRS 637 Number
N1~EC~ABC Fuel~24~516888888\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used for reporting receiving party information on Schedule 15A of the Terminal Operator Report and the various disbursement schedules of the Supplier Returns.) 02 R0203 - N102 and N103 are required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~ON~123 Position Holder Oil Co~49~099999999\
If reporting 2-party exchange information, this segment is required; otherwise do not use this segment. N102, N103, and N104 are required.
Person Hiring Carrier (Consignor) (Required) Name Segment 4 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 CI = Consignor (Person Hiring the Carrier)
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Consignor Name
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Consignor's (Person Hiring the Carrier) FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
N1~CI~123 Position Holder Oil Co~24~234567891\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used for reporting consignor information on Schedules 14D and 14E of the Petroleum Carrier Report.) 02 R0203 - N102 and N103 are required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~CI~123 Position Holder Oil Co~49~099999999\
Carrier Information (Required) Name Segment 5 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 CA = Carrier Name
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Carrier Name
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Carrier s FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
N1~CA~DEF Carrier Company~24~345678912\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used on all reports and returns.) 02 R0203 - N102 is required. 03 N103 is required for bulk transactions and is requested for non-bulk transactions. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~CA~DEF Carrier Company~49~099999999\
Buyer/Consignee Information (Required) Name Segment 6 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 BY = Buying Party (Purchaser/Consignee)
N102 93   X Name AN 1 35 Sold to Name (Purchaser/Consignee)
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 24 = FEIN 34 = SSN 49 = CDTFA Account Number 50 = BN Canadian Business Number
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 18 Purchaser s FEIN or SSN or CDTFA Account Number
N1~BY~XYZ Gas Station~24~543219876\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used for reporting buyer information on various disbursement schedules of the Supplier Returns.) 02 R0203 - N102 and N103 are required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required. 04 If entering CDTFA Account Number, enter the number with a leading 0 (zero). Example: N1~BY~XYZ Gas Station~49~099999999\

For Point (Address) of Delivery/Destination: (One of the following Options is Required)

Use Option 1 when the Destination is a Terminal.

Use Option 2 when the Destination is located inside or outside Your State and is a Non-Terminal.

Use Option 3 when the Destination is located in Your State, but is a Non-Terminal and the state uses facility IDs.

Option 1

Point of Destination (One of the two options is Required) Name Segment 7 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 DT = Destination Terminal
N102 is not used.
N103 66   X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 TC = IRS Terminal Code FA = Destination Airport
N104 67   X Identification Code AN 9 9 *IRS Terminal Code (contact the IRS for a complete listing of approved terminals) *Airport Code (contact the CDTFA for a complete listing of approved airport codes)
N1~DT~~TC~T33CA3333\ or N1~DT~~FA~LAX\
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used if the destination is an IRS approved terminal or an airport. If the destination is an airport, report the TCN when reporting on a supplier return (SDR) or report the airport code when reporting on a dealer return (DLR).) 02 R0203 - N103 is required. 03 P0304 - If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.

Option 2

Point of Destination (One of the two options is Required) Name Segment 7 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98   M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 ST = Ship To
N102 93   X Name AN 2 3 Postal Abbreviation See Postal Abbreviation list in CDTFA-810-FTC "Postal Abbreviations Table"
SYNTAX NOTES: (This segment is used if the destination is not an IRS approved terminal.) 02 R0203 - N102 is required.
Point of Destination Name Segment 8 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N401 19 19 O City Name AN 2 30 Name of City
N402 156 156 O State or Province Code ID 2 2 State or Province Abbreviation
N403 116 116 O Postal Code ID 3 11 ZIP or ZIP plus 4 Code
N404 26 X Country Code ID 2 3 Country (USA, CAN, MEX)
N405 309 X Location Qualifier ID 1 2 CY = County
N406 310 O Location Identifer AN 1 5 County
Syntax Notes: None
FTA Notes: N404 through N406 are optional. N406 is based on the federal county codes (see: N405 and N406 are not in the IRS 4030 map.

Option 3

Point of Destination (One of the three options is Required) Name Segment 7 Pos. No. 0500
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
N101 98 M Entity Identification Code ID 2 2 WD = Destination Facility
N102 is not used.
N103 66 X Identification Code Qualifier ID 2 2 "FA" = Facility Identification
N104 67 X Identification Code AN 2 20 Facility/License Number

This FGS loop contains transaction information for the individual shipments within the TFS loop. It is repeated when one of the following values changes: Bill of Lading (Document) Number, Bill of Lading Date (Date Shipped), or Gallons.

Bill of Lading (Required) Forms Group Segment Pos. No. 1000
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
FGS01 350   M Assigned Identification AN 1 2 D = Schedule Detail
FGS02 128   X Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 BM = Bill of Lading Number
FGS03 127   X Reference Identification AN 1 15 Bill of Lading Number
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 P0203 - FGS02 and FGS03 are required unless the Mode Code in TFS06 is GS (Gas Station), then FGS02 and FGS03 are not used.
Sequence Number Reference Number Segment Pos. No. 0200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
REF01 128 M Reference Identification Qualifier ID 2 2 55 = Sequence Number
REF02 127 X Reference Identification AN 1 9 Sequence Number
REF03 352 X Description AN 1 5 Error Response Code (See Appendix on page Error! Bookmark not defined.)
Syntax Notes: At least one of REF02 or REF03 is required.
FTA Note: This segment is used to identify information for error processing. This segment can be generated by the filer when first filling to assist in identifying information or when responding to an error reported. REF02 is always required. REF03 is used for responding to an error.
Date Product was Purchased (Optional) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 1200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 321 = Date Product Purchased
DTM02 373   X Date DT 8 8 Bill of Lading Date (CCYYMMDD)
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R020305 - DTM02 is required.
SEGMENT NOTES: 01 This segment is required when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions. It is optional for all other schedule transactions.
Bill of Lading Date (Required) Date/Time Reference Segment Pos. No. 1200
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
DTM01 374   M Date/Time Qualifier ID 3 3 095 = Bill of Lading Date
DTM02 373   X Date DT 8 8 Bill of Lading Date (CCYYMMDD)
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R020305 - DTM02 is required.
Tax Rate (Optional) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 TIA Code 5024 = Tax Rate
TIA02 782   X Monetary Amount R 4 4 Rate in .nnn
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 TIA02 is required when reporting tax rate. 02 Enter the amount of applicable tax rate as a dollar amount. 02 Report a tax rate of forty-seven and three-tenths cents per gallon ($0.473) as .473 02 The tax rate should be in an .nnn format.
SEGMENT NOTES: 01 This segment is required when reporting any purchase or credit schedule transactions. It is optional for all other schedule transactions.
Bill of Lading Net (Required) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 5005 = Net
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons "LT"=Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter the net gallons rounded to the nearest whole gallon. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.
Bill of Lading Gross (Required) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 5006 = Gross
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons "LT" = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter the gross gallons rounded to the nearest gallon. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.
Bill of Lading Billed (Required) Tax Information and Amount Segment Pos. No. 1800
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Ref # Field Type Length Field Description
Min Max
TIA01 817   M Tax Information ID Number AN 4 4 5007 = Billed
TIA02 and TIA03 are not used.
TIA04 380   X Quantity R 1 15 Quantity
TIA05 355   M Unit of Measurement Code ID 2 2 GA = Gallons "LT" = Liters
SYNTAX NOTES: 02 R0203040607 - TIA04 is required. 04 Enter the billed gallons rounded to the nearest gallon. 05 C0504 - If TIA04 is present, then TIA05 is required.

End of FGS loop for Individual shipments.

End of TFS loop for Schedule.

End of Transaction Set (Required) Trailer Segment Pos. No. 0100
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
SE01 96   M Number of Included Segments N0 1 10 Number of segments. The SE needs to reflect the accurate count of all segments in the transmission including the ST and SE.
SE02 329   M Transaction Set Control Number AN 4 9 Filer defined unique control number (enter the same value as in ST02).

Functional Group Segment (Required)
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
GE01 97   M Number Of Transaction Sets Included N0 1 6 Count of transaction sets within this GS/GE. The GE needs to reflect the accurate count of all Transaction Sets (ST) included in the transmission.
GE02 28   M/Z Group Control Number N0 1 9 Filer defined unique control number (enter the same value as in GS06).

Interchange Segment (Required)
Element ID Elem Ref # Sub-Ele Ref # Field Status Field Name Field Type Length Field Description
Min. Max.
IEA01 I16   M Number Of Included Functional Groups N0 1 5 Count Of Function Groups Within This ISA/IEA. The IEA needs to reflect the accurate count of all Functional Groups (GE) in the transmission.
IEA02 I12   M Interchange Control Number N0 9 9 The Interchange Number in the Trailer Must Be Identical to the Same Data Element in the Associated Interchange Header (ISA13).
03 End of Transaction Set.

To view the Online Filing Results:

1. Log in to the CDTFA s secure website at

2. Select the account for which you want to review an online filing or select File and/or View a Return.

3. A status of Filed or Processed indicates the upload file successfully processed.

An upload failure during submission will result with a message similar to the examples below.

CDTFA Validation Error: Too few elements for segment DTM~95 at segment index position 248

Using this message as an example, we will illustrate how to fix the error.

The message tells us that the 248th segment in the EDI file does not include enough elements.

The EDI specifications require the date to be included in date segments when reporting disbursements. To correct the issue, add 20190805 (DTM~95~20190805) to the segment.

Contact the Data Analysis Unit if you need assistance resolving errors in an EDI file.

Open All Close All

If you experience any electronic transmission problems, you should contact our eServices Coordinator at: 1-916-323-6353, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays. Also, for information on making your payments online, go to our Online Services web page or select the Make a payment button on the login web page.

Motor fuels tax forms transmitted online to the CDTFA will have reporting requirements similar to those for paper forms. This means that the same information included on paper tax returns, information reports, and claims for refund is also included in the transmitted online data.

If you are registered for more than one CDTFA fuel account license or registration number, you must transmit separate tax forms for each account. If you are using an EDI file format, you may combine multiple tax forms in a single online transmission or make a separate transmission for each tax form. Currently, there is no combined filing of the same tax form or tax forms for different periods in a single data set.

The CDTFA will not dictate the format in which you must collect the filing information. You are, however, required to follow the filing specifications detailed in this guide and on the Motor Fuels Online Filing web page for the valid file formats. You will be required to submit correct and complete motor fuels tax forms.

The Single Point of Filing option is not available at this time. The CDTFA continues to be responsive to the reporting needs of our customers. Should the IRS implement a valid data transfer system that would enable Single Point of Filing, the CDTFA will work with its customers to develop reporting procedures.

IRS-formatted online files may still be filed directly with the CDTFA. All other motor fuels tax forms must be filed directly with the CDTFA using the valid CDTFA file formats described in this guide.

The CDTFA allows you to submit CDTFA-506-PO, Terminal Operator Information Report and CDTFA-506-PC, Petroleum Carrier Report, using the IRS approved electronic file data format.

Motor fuels tax forms may be submitted as original, replacement, or supplement (adding transactions to the original or replacement filing).

General rules to follow for online filing of original motor fuels tax form data:

EDI X12 v. 4030:

  • For an original filing for a tax period, enter code 00 (zero zero) into element BTI13. If any other value is entered into this element, the CDTFA will not consider the associated information to be an original filing of tax form data.
  • If the original submission of tax form data needs to be replaced because of incorrect data, element BTI13 will be blank and element BTI14 will be 6R, to instruct the CDTFA to replace the data filed earlier with the data contained in this filing.
  • If the original submission of tax form data did not include all data, element BTI13 will be blank and element BTI14 will be 6S, to notify the CDTFA that this is a supplement to a previously submitted original file.

FLT (Flat File):

  • For an original filing for a tax period, enter code 00 (zero zero) into elements FE07, FG07, and FS07. This field is present in every transaction reported in the FG, FI, and FS elements.
  • If the original submission of tax form data needs to be replaced because of incorrect data, elements FE07, FG07, and FS07 will be blank and FE08, FG08, and FS08 will be 6R, to instruct the CDTFA to replace the data filed earlier with the data contained in this filing. (Before submitting any replacement files you are required to email CDTFA Motor Fuels eFile at
  • If the previous submission of tax form data did not include all data, elements FE07, FG07, and FS07 will be blank and FE08, FG08, and FS08 will be 6S, to notify the CDTFA that this is a supplement to a previously submitted file.

You may test the syntax of both EDI and FLT file formats before filing. After logging in, select Return Bulk File and then Validate Bulk File. After a successful syntax check, the filing is not complete until it is uploaded through the process addressed in Transmitting Data in theGetting started section.

Correcting Schedule/Transaction File Errors

To view the online filing results:

  1. Log in to the CDTFA s secure Online Services System.
  2. Select the account for which you want to review an online filing, or select File and/or View a Return.
  3. A status of Filed or Processed indicates the upload file successfully processed.

An upload failure during submission will result with a message similar to the examples below.

Flat File (FLT) Failure Example:

The record value length is too long. Line: 16, Value: 1399

Using this message as an example, we will illustrate how to fix the error.

The message tells us that record 16 in the FLT reports the product code as 1399.

The CDTFA-810-FTA, Product Code Table, shows that the correct product code for 10% gasohol is the three (3) digit code 139. We now know that we can correct this error by changing 1399 to 139.

If you are using the Excel workbook from the Motor Fuels Online Filing web page to create the FLT, the correction should be made in the workbook and a new FLT created.

Contact our Customer Service Center at 1-800-400-7115 (CRS:711) if you need assistance resolving errors in a FLT file. Customer service representatives are available to assist you Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00. p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays.

EDI File Failure Example:

CDTFA Validation Error: Too few elements for segment DTM~95 at segment index position 248

Using this message as an example, we will illustrate how to fix the error.

The message tells us that the 248th segment in the EDI file does not include enough elements.

The EDI specifications require the date to be included in date segments when reporting disbursements. To correct the issue, add 20190805 (DTM~95~20190805) to the segment.

Contact Data Analysis Unit if you need assistance resolving errors in an EDI file.

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Certification testing is recommended for anyone filing via FLT or EDI. In order to ensure the quality of the information received, the CDTFA will subject the information to a set of tests. You should complete certification testing for each type of motor fuels tax form that will be filed via FLT or EDI. Additional tax forms that are added to motor fuels online filing should also be subjected to the CDTFA established certification process. During certification, you will electronically submit test files for validation.

The CDTFA's certification testing will verify that your files adhere to the CDTFA mapping requirements. The CDTFA recommends that you obtain the most current version of the EDI and FLT specification from the applicable FLT or EDI section of this webpage.

Certification testing will benefit both you and the CDTFA. The CDTFA will have the opportunity to review submissions and resolve data issues in an environment that will not require submitting amended returns. Additionally, both you and the CDTFA will gain confidence that the filings submitted are complete and accurate.


Certification testing is done to ensure that you are able to submit valid files to the CDTFA. It provides a safe environment where mistakes can be made and resolved and you can become comfortable with online filing without affecting production returns. The CDTFA recommends that you use actual data from current periods to create the certification testing tax forms. This will smooth the transition to online filing.

Your files must adhere to CDTFA requirements as defined in this guide. You must use your own test data to test your online process for each test stage.

Stage 1, Transmission and Syntax Validation

The purpose of Stage 1 is to test the file transmission and formatting process. The CDTFA will verify that each file received follows online filing requirements for the reporting method as defined in this guide.

During certification testing, you are only required to submit the face sheet of your tax form(s), any calculation worksheets or ending inventory forms, and any payments due. After the CDTFA notifies you that you have successfully completed certification testing, you are required to transmit complete tax forms for which only the face sheet was submitted. Filing the face sheets is no longer required once you begin filing online. Though filing the face sheet will keep delinquency activity in abeyance, the tax form is not considered filed until the complete tax form, including all schedule detail, is submitted.

The CDTFA will communicate as necessary with you by mail, telephone, or email. You can contact the CDTFA with any questions or concerns at the telephone number, fax number, address, or email addresses provided in the "Contact" section in Overview of this webpage.

When a software developer tests its business software, it should provide the CDTFA with a wide range of transactions that are used in the tax forms being tested. As applicable, the types of transactions included in the online files should include, but are not limited to:

  • All applicable schedules for the tax form.
  • All applicable products for each schedule.
  • All applicable mode codes for each schedule.
  • All applicable origin and destination code types for each schedule.
  • Any applicable summary schedules for the tax form.
  • Terminal product reclassifications.

The following Flat File (FLT) examples are designed to illustrate the format of FLT-formatted tax returns and reports (tax forms). These examples illustrate the typical transactions that occur for these tax forms and are intended to assist you in understanding how the paper information is converted into an electronic format.

Tax Form Excel Workbook Example
CDTFA-501-DD, Supplier of Diesel Fuel Tax Return Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-501-DD, Supplier of Diesel Fuel Tax Return.CDTFA-501-DD Example
CDTFA-501-MJ, Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Tax Return Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-501-MJ, Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Tax Return.CDTFA-501-MJ Example
CDTFA-501-PS, Supplier of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Return Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-501-PS, Supplier of Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Return.CDTFA-501-PS Example
CDTFA-506-PC, Petroleum Carrier Report Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-506-PC, Petroleum Carrier Report.CDTFA-506-PC Example
CDTFA-506-PO, Terminal Operator Information Report Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-506-PO, Terminal Operator Information Report.CDTFA-506-PO Example
CDTFA-506-PT, Train Operator Information Report Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-506-PT, Train Operator Information Report.CDTFA-506-PT Example
CDTFA-770-DU, Diesel Fuel Claim for Refund on Nontaxable Uses Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-770-DU, Diesel Fuel Claim for Refund on Nontaxable Uses.CDTFA-770-DU Example
CDTFA-700-DV, Diesel Fuel Ultimate Vendor Report/Claim for Refund Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-700-DV, Diesel Fuel Ultimate Vendor Report/Claim for Refund.CDTFA-700-DV Example
CDTFA-770-DVW, Diesel Fuel Tax Claim for Refund - Sales to Ultimate Purchasers Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-770-DVW, Diesel Fuel Tax Claim for Refund - Sales to Ultimate Purchasers.CDTFA-770-DVW Example
CDTFA-770-DZ, Claim for Refund on Nontaxable Sales and Exports of Diesel Fuel Excel Workbook Example for CDTFA-770-DZ, Aircraft Jet Fuel Dealer Tax Return.CDTFA-770-DZ Example