Laws, Regulations and Annotations


Business Taxes Law Guide—Revision 2025

Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law

Revenue and Taxation Code

Division 2. Other Taxes
Part 2. Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law

Chapter 10. Distribution of Proceeds.

Section 8352

8352. Appropriation of fund. Subject to the provisions of any budget bill heretofore or hereafter enacted, the money deposited to the credit of the Motor Vehicle Fuel Account is hereby appropriated for expenditure, allocation, or transfer as provided in this chapter.

History—Stats. 1947 (First Extra Session 1947), p. 3806, operative January 1, 1948, substituted "Highway Users Tax Fund" for "counties" in (d), deleted (e) making appropriation to State Highway Fund and relettered former (f) as (e). Stats. 1949, p. 2546, operative January 1, 1950, added (f). Stats. 1955, p. 2026, in effect September 7, 1955, added portion of first sentence beginning "the sum of" in (f). Stats. 1957, p. 769, in effect September 11, 1957, substituted Section "11006 of the Government" for Section "661 of the Political" Code. Stats. 1959, p. 2841, in effect September 18, 1959, added (g). Stats. 1961, p. 4389, in effect September 15, 1961, amended (f) to provide for the transfer of funds to the Airport Assistance Fund instead of to the counties and added the language "and less the pro rata cost … attributable to determining such amount of money." Stats. 1963, p. 4374, in effect September 20, 1963, substituted "two million dollars ($2,000,000)" for "seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000)" and "1963–1964" for "1959–1960" in paragraph (g). Stats. 1965, p. 4599, in effect September 17, 1965, completely revised (f) and substituted "four million dollars ($4,000,000)" for "two million dollars ($2,000,000)" and "1965–1966" for "1963–1964" in (g). Stats. 1966, p. 480 (First Extra Session), in effect October 6, 1966, substituted "Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund" for "Small Craft Harbor Revolving Fund" and "Division 1 (commencing with Section 30) of the Harbors and Navigation Code" for "Division 5.7 (commencing with Section 5801) of the Public Resources Code." Stats. 1967, p. 2804, in effect November 8, 1967, added the last sentence to (q). Stats. 1969, p. 368, in effect November 10, 1969, substituted "Department" for "Division" of Aeronautics in (f)(3). Stats. 1970, p. 3232, in effect November 23, 1970, added (h). Stats. 1971, p. 368, in effect June 30, 1971, completely revised (g), and p. 2427, operative January 1, 1972, divided former 8352 into numbered subsections. Stats. 1972, Ch. 1382, in effect December 26, 1972, substituted "8352.6 inclusive." for "8352.5 inclusive.". Stats. 1973, Ch. 1153, operative July 1, 1974, and Ch. 1195, effective October 2, 1973, substituted "this chapter" for specified sections. Stats. 2004, Ch. 227 (SB 1102), in effect August 16, 2004, deleted "and Section 11006 of the Government Code" after "heretofore or hereafter enacted".