Reports and Resources for Research and Statistics

Annual Reports

CDTFA's Annual Report provides information on revenue collected by the CDTFA each fiscal year. It also contains helpful tables and describes CDTFA's accomplishments. See the Annual Report Statistical Table Index for more information about the tables.

California Industry Insight

Welcome to California Industry Insight, a newsletter from the CDTFA's Research & Statistics team. The CDTFA funds over $60 billion of California's state and local budget through 42 tax and fee programs, ranging from sales to use tax, cars to cannabis. As the fifth largest economy in the world, California is driving many developments. With these developments come opportunities to glean insight from tax data, which may help California's businesses make informed decisions. Enjoy California Industry Insight.



CDTFA Interactive Data Visualizations

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration's interactive data visualizations use data from the open data portal. These visualizations are intended to provide you with centralized access to CDTFA's publicly available data in easy-to-use formats.

CDTFA Interactive Data Visualizations

CDTFA Open Data Portal

The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration's data portal is intended to provide you with centralized access to CDTFA's publicly available data in easy-to-use formats.

CDTFA Open Data Portal

Economic Perspective Newsletter



Miscellaneous Research Reports

Please go to the Miscellaneous Research Reports page to find reports on e-Commerce and mail order sales, and tax-paid cigarette tax distributions.

Taxable Sales in California

Taxable Sales in California is a quarterly report on retail sales activity in California, as measured by transactions subject to sales and use tax. The report includes data about statewide taxable sales by type of business as well as data about taxable sales in all California cities and counties. Reports can be found in the Open Data Portal.

Research Letters and Memos

2019 Estimated Statewide Growth Rates – January

Please visit CDTFA Open Data Portal or BOE Open Data Portal to find correspondence on various topics including estimated statewide growth rates, the 4R Act Equalization Ratio, and the Timber Yield Tax Rate.

Tax Insights Newsletter

Other Useful Tax Policy Research Resources:



Private Organizations

Contact Us

If you have questions, please contact Research & Statistics Section:

By Email

By Phone

Monday through Friday (except state holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.(Pacific Time).

Media Inquiries


Research & Statistics Section


By Mail:

Research & Statistics Section
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
P.O. Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0067