Laws, Regulations and Annotations


Business Taxes Law Guide—Revision 2025

Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law

Revenue and Taxation Code

Division 2. Other Taxes
Part 2. Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Law

Chapter 9. Records.1

Chapter 9. Records.

1Added by Stats. 2000, Ch. 1053 (AB 2114), operative January 1, 2002.

8301. Records. Every highway vehicle operator/fueler, industrial user, pipeline operator, supplier, train operator, vessel operator and every person dealing in, removing, transporting, or storing motor vehicle fuel in this state shall keep those records, receipts, invoices, and other pertinent papers with respect thereto in that form as the board may require. Failure to maintain records will constitute a misdemeanor punishable as provided in Section 8402.

8302. Information to retain. (a) Each terminal operator shall keep the following information with respect to each rack removal of motor vehicle fuel at each terminal it operates:

(1) The bill of lading or other shipping document.

(2) The volume and date of the removal.

(3) The identity of the person, such as a common carrier, that physically received the fuel.

(4) The identity of the position holder or position holder's customer.

(5) Any other information required by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Section 48.4101-1 of Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(b) The terminal operator shall maintain the information described in this section at the terminal from which the removal occurred for at least three months after the removal to which it relates. Thereafter, the terminal operator shall retain the information at a location controlled by the terminal operator for at least four more years.

8303. Inspection of records. All records required by this chapter shall be available at all times for the inspection of the board or its representatives.

8304. Sworn statement. Upon demand of the board or its representatives a highway vehicle operator/fueler, industrial user, pipeline operator, supplier, train operator, and vessel operator shall furnish a statement under oath reflecting the contents of any records kept by the highway vehicle operator/fueler, industrial user, pipeline operator, supplier, train operator, and vessel operator with respect to the matters specified in this chapter.