Laws, Regulations and Annotations
Business Taxes Law Guide—Revision 2025
Oil Spill Response, Prevention, and Administration Fees Law
Revenue and Taxation Code
Division 2. Other Taxes
Part 24. Oil Spill Response, Prevention, and Administration Fees
Chapter 4. Collection of Fee
Article 5. Seizure and Sale
Section 46444
46444. Disposition of excess proceeds. If, upon the sale, the moneys received exceed the amount of all fees, penalties, and costs due the state from the feepayer, the board shall return the excess to him or her and obtain his or her receipt. If any person having an interest in or lien upon the property files with the board prior to the sale notice of his or her interest, the board shall withhold any excess pending a determination of the rights of the respective parties to the excess moneys by a court of competent jurisdiction. If for any reason the receipt of the feepayer is not available, the board shall deposit the excess moneys with the Controller, as trustee for the owner, subject to the order of the feepayer, his or her heirs, successors, or assigns.
History—Stats. 1996, Ch. 860, in effect January 1, 1997, substituted "to the excess moneys" for "thereto" after "the respective parties" in the second sentence and substituted "Controller" for "Treasurer" after "moneys with the" in the last sentence.