ACH Credit Specifications

Nacha Requirements

Your financial institution needs the following information to correctly report an Automated Clearing House (ACH) credit payment. The guidelines provided here are based on formats approved by Nacha, formerly the National Automated Clearing House Association. For more specific information on Nacha formats, specifications, and definitions, please refer to the Nacha rule book. You can obtain a copy through Nacha, by calling 1-703-561-1100, or visiting the Nacha website.

Corporate Credit or Debit Plus Tax Payment

You must transmit ACH credit payments using the Nacha-approved Corporate Credit or Debit Plus Tax Payment format (CCD+/TXP) to successfully complete your payment. If you use any other format, we will reject your payment.

Nacha Record Formats

Your entries for CCD+/TXP transmittals must be reported in the following order:

  • File Header Record
    • Company/Batch Header Record
    • Entry Detail Record
      • TXP Addenda Record (carries an 80-character free-form field)
    • Company/Batch Control Record
  • File Control Record

Record Formats

Information Needed for Record 6 (Entry Detail):

  • Field 3
    Receiving DFI Identification. This is the routing number for the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration's (CDTFA) bank account (122235821).
  • Field 4
    Check Digit. This is the final character of a routing number that is used to validate a specific routing number.
  • Field 5
    DFI Account Number. This is the bank account number associated with the program you are paying. You will be provided the bank account number associated with your account.
  • Field 7
    Individual Identification Number. This is the customer's account number as assigned by CDTFA. Only include the numbers in CDTFA account number. Do not include the hyphen that is part of the CDTFA account number.
  • Field 8
    Individual Name. This is the individual or business name that appears on CDTFA account.

Information Needed for Record 7 (TXP Addenda Convention):

The information listed below is entered into the "free form" area of the addenda record (positions 4-83).

The information must be entered exactly as shown below. All fields are mandatory, except for Field 10, Verification #. All fields must be separated by an asterisk (*). The last field entry must be terminated by a back slash (\).

TXP Field # Field Name Requirement Data Field Type Element Length Contents
Segment Identifier
1 Taxpayer Identification #
2 Tax Type Code
3 Tax Period End Date
4 Amount Type
M A 1 T
5 Amount
M N2 1-10 $$$$$$$$cc
6 Amount Type
O A 1 P
7 Amount
C N2 1-10 $$$$$$$$cc
8 Amount Type
O A 1 I
9 Amount
C N2 1-10 $$$$$$$$cc
10 Verification #
Segment Terminator

The transaction will not post to your account correctly if:

  • Alpha or special characters are entered in Field 1
  • CDTFA account number is incorrect or missing in Field 1
  • Tax type code is missing in Field 2
  • Amount type code is missing from Fields 4, 6 or 8
  • CDTFA bank account and routing number is not provided correctly to your financial institution.

Record 7 – Field Entry Definitions

Segment Identifier This identifies the transfer as a tax payment. It must always be coded as "TXP".
Separator Identifier The separator or data element separator is used to separate fields (date elements) within a segment. Use an asterisk (*) as the separator.
Field 1 Customer's CDTFA Account Number. This data element is the assigned 9 digit CDTFA account. Do not include the hyphen that appears in the account number. Example: For seller’s permit number 012-345678, you would enter only 012345678.
Field 2 Tax Type Code. The tax type code is used to identify the type of tax or fee payment being made. Using the correct tax type code for your specific CDTFA account will ensure your payment will apply to your CDTFA account correctly.
Field 3 Tax Period End Date. This date represents the last day of the tax reporting period (not the due date) and must be reported in YYMMDD format. Example: December 31, 2023, would be reported as 231231.
Field 4 Amount Type. The amount type code identifies what type of amount follows. This data element must always be coded as "T" to indicate tax amount.
Field 5 Amount. Enter tax amount here (do not include interest and penalty payments). In the event no tax amount is due, enter zero to comply with the filing requirements. The amount must always indicate cents. However, do not include a decimal point.
Example: $58,485.00 would be entered as 5848500, $0.00 as 000.
Field 6 Amount Type. The amount type code identifies what type of amount follows. This data element must always be coded as "P" to indicate penalty amount.
Field 7 Amount. Enter penalty payment amount here. In the event no penalty amount is due, enter zero to comply with the filing requirements. The amount must always indicate cents. However, do not include a decimal point.
Example: $5,848.50 would be entered as 584850, $0.00 as 000.
Field 8 Amount Type. The amount type code identifies what type of amount follows. This data element must always be coded as "I" to indicate interest amount.
Field 9 Amount. Enter interest payment amount here. In the event no interest amount is due, enter zero to comply with the filing requirements. The amount must always indicate cents. However, do not include a decimal point.
Example: $584.85 would be entered as 58485, $0.00 as 000.
Field 10 Taxpayer Verification. This field is optional. It is used to verify the taxpayer’s identity. If used, the first six characters of the company name should be entered.
Segment Terminator The segment terminator identifies the end of the free form portion of the addenda record and must always be coded as a \.
Example: TXP*012345678*01008*231231*T*5848500*P*584850*I*58485\.
Note: If you have no penalty and interest to report, you may end the record after the tax field (Field 5) with a back slash.