Top 500 Sales & Use Tax Delinquencies in California
Below is a list of the 500 largest delinquent sales and use tax accounts over $100,000.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) is required by law to post this information every quarter, removing amounts that are being addressed through payment arrangement, bankruptcy, litigation, or appeal.
Each taxpayer is notified 30 days before their information is posted.
Since the inception of this program, CDTFA has received a total of $31.9 million from 458 qualifying taxpayers that came forward to take care of their debts: 359 through installment payment agreements and 99 by making payment in full.
Taxpayers can request that any full or partial payments be posted on this list.
If your information has been posted in error, or you have questions about the list, please contact the CDTFA at 916-309-5265.
Questions from the media should be directed to 916-309-8488.
- This requirement is found in Section 7063 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.
Click Here to View an Interactive Map of the Top 500 Delinquent Accounts.