Sales to Residents of Other Countries (Publication 104)
Required Documentation
Examples of records you will need to document a nontaxable sale for export
Deliveries to customs brokers, export packers, or forwarding agents
- Bills of lading
- Copies of import documents of the foreign country
- Notation on invoice of delivery
- Invoices for services of customs broker or forwarding agent
- Delivery receipts
Foreign deliveries made with your own vehicles or other means of transport you own
- Delivery records
- Expense vouchers supporting a delivery expense (example: fuel, lodging, and meal receipts)
- Purchase orders, sales contracts or correspondence documenting shipping requirements and completion of delivery
Shipments made by a common or contract carrier
- Bills of lading
- Express or parcel post receipts, express company invoices, freight invoices, record of parcel post shipment
- Sales invoices showing postage charges and shipping instructions
- Copies of import documents of the foreign country
Deliveries to a scheduled commercial carrier hired by the purchaser to export property
- Bills of lading or other documents showing delivery made directly to the carrier
- Documentary evidence of transportation plan showing property transported in a continuous journey to a foreign destination and no diversion for use in California
Deliveries to a plane or ship owned by the purchaser that is bound for a foreign country
- Bills of lading or other documents showing delivery made by independent carrier or retailer directly to the purchaser’s plane or ship
- Copy of transportation plan showing plane’s or ship’s foreign destination
- Foreign country’s import documents or other documentary evidence of export, or evidence that the item was altered or specifically designed for use in the foreign destination
Revision September 2018