Laws, Regulations and Annotations


Business Taxes Law Guide—Revision 2025

Sales and Use Tax Annotations

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325.0000 Interstate and Foreign Commerce—Regulation 1620

Annotation 325.0090

(a) In General—Shipments Into California from Points Outside State

325.0090 Promotional Material. An out-of-state printer/mailer asked for application of tax to the following transactions.

(1) Printer/mailer produces and mails in Pennsylvania direct mail promotional material for customer based on customer's mailing list at no cost to the recipients. Printer/mailer and customer both have nexus in California.

Title passes at the time promotional material is deposited in the mail in Pennsylvania. Accordingly, use of the property by the customer occurs outside of California, and the use tax does not apply.

(2) Printer produces catalog insert pieces in Pennsylvania for customer and drop ships them via common carrier to a bindery/mailing house in California contracted for by customer. The printer has nexus in California. The printed pieces will be incorporated into a catalog by the bindery/mailing house and will be mailed based on customer's mailing list at no cost to the ultimate recipients. Some pieces will be mailed to recipients within California; others will be mailed to recipients outside of California.

Customer is considered to be making use of the catalog insert pieces in California by sending the printed material to recipients. Use tax applies to such use of the property including the material shipped to recipients outside of California. It is immaterial whether or not the customer is engaged in business in California. However, if the catalog qualifies as a printed sales message and meets the requirements of Sales and Use Tax Regulation 1541.5(b)(1)(2)(3), the transaction would be exempt from sales and use tax.

(3) Printer/mailer produces in Pennsylvania direct mail promotional material for customer and ships material via common carrier to a post office in California for mailing to recipients both within California and out of California. Printer/mailer has nexus in California and customer may or may not have nexus in California.

Answer is the same as response to transaction 2 above. 11/21/91.