Local Jurisdiction Statement of Tax Distribution

Statements are available for payments from June 2018 to the current month.

Date Last Updated: 02/14/2025

Please select the Jurisdiction Type, select the Payment Month and Year, and enter the Jurisdiction Code before pressing the Submit button.


Helpful Resources:

Jurisdiction Code Lookup (Do not use the jurisdiction codes listed in the Jurisdiction Code Lookup webpage to complete your Sales and Use Tax returns or for any other purpose.)

If you would like to export the statements information to Excel or CSV, you can find the Statement of Tax Distribution datasets on the Open CDTFA Data Portal.

If you would like to request older statements or have any questions, please contact CDTFA Local Revenue Branch by email at jservices@cdtfa.ca.gov, phone at (916) 324-3000, or mail:

California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Local Revenue Branch, MIC: 27
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0027