Use Fuel
California Fuel Trip Permit
California Fuel Trip Permit (CFTP)
A CFTP Allows:
- Out-of-state registered owners to enter and travel into California for four consecutive days without obtaining a license for fuel tax purposes, and
- California registered carriers to re-enter California after traveling out of state if they are unlicensed for fuel tax purposes.
A CFTP is issued for specific dates, for up to four consecutive days. It is not valid before or after the dates specified. There is a $30 fee for each CFTP.
The CFTP must be obtained for each qualified motor vehicle and completed prior to entering the state.
Qualified Motor Vehicle
A vehicle used or designed to transport people or property is considered a qualified motor vehicle if it:
- Has three or more axles; or
- Has two axles and a gross vehicle or registered gross vehicle weight of more than 26,000 pounds or 11,797 kilograms; or
- Is used in a combination that has a combined or registered gross vehicle weight of more than 26,000 pounds or 11,797 kilograms.
A recreational vehicle, such as a motor home or a pickup with a camper, is not considered a qualified motor vehicle when an individual uses it exclusively for personal pleasure. Vehicles used in connection with a business operation are not considered recreational.
Purchasing California Fuel Trip Permits
You may purchase a CFTP:
- Using our online services webpage: select Register for a Permit, License or Account and Request a Fuel Trip Permit.
- In person, by visiting our Motor Carrier Office or any CDTFA office.
- From most DMV offices throughout California. For more information, please contact your local DMV office directly for locations offering these permits.
Trip Permit Option (No IFTA)
If you qualify for an IFTA license but do not participate in the IFTA program, you are required to obtain fuel trip permits to travel into or through each IFTA member jurisdiction, including California.
For example, if you are a California-based carrier, not licensed under IFTA, and you traveled into Nevada (an IFTA jurisdiction), you must purchase a Nevada fuel trip permit for entry into and travel within that state. When you return to California, you must purchase a California Fuel Trip Permit before you re-enter the state.
Operating without a User Use Fuel Permit, IFTA License, or Fuel Trip Permit
If you operate a qualified motor vehicle in California in interstate commerce without first obtaining an IFTA license, User Use Fuel Permit, or a CFTP, we will assess you a penalty. The penalty amounts range from $100 to $500.
If you owe use fuel tax, the penalty may be the higher of $500 or 25 percent of the tax due, whichever is more. In addition, we may seize your vehicle. We will not release the vehicle until you pay us all the tax, penalty, interest, and costs associated with the seizure and storage of the vehicle.