Tax Guide for Motor Fuels Online Filing

Tax Guides

Refer to the chart below to view available industry guides for the various motor fuels tax account types. The guides include links to the various tax forms, schedules and further information.

Tax Guides based on program area.
Account Program Industry Guide
Aircraft Jet Fuel, Diesel Fuel (except IFTA and Diesel Fuel Interstate User), and Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Guide for Motor Fuel Taxes
Alternative Fuel (Decal, Exempt Bus, User, and Vendor) Use Fuel Tax Guide
IFTA and Diesel Fuel Interstate User Tax Guide for International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and Diesel Fuel Interstate User


Motor fuels online filing adheres to all confidentiality procedures and requirements set forth by the CDTFA. For purposes of enforcing the fuel tax laws, personal information may be disclosed to federal agencies and other state agencies. Please review CDTFA-324-GEN, Annual Privacy Notice — No Action Needed, for information on the CDTFA's confidentiality procedures and requirements.

Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Data

CDTFA-82, CDTFA, Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Data authorizes the CDTFA to communicate online matters with you via email. It is essential to successful motor fuels online filing. Submit a completed CDTFA-82, Authorization for Electronic Transmission of Data via email, fax, or mail to:

Email: CDTFA Motor Fuels eFile
Fax: 1-916-323-9352
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration
Special Taxes and Fees
PO Box 942879
Sacramento, CA 94279-0030

System Availability

Return data and payments transmitted must be received by the CDTFA in the required format and by the associated due dates in order to be considered timely. While the CDTFA strives to ensure the online filing system is available at all times, there are situations which may occur and interfere with the transmittal. It is your responsibility to file returns and make payments to the CDTFA by the required due dates. A complete listing of due dates is provided on the CDTFA's website.

If the system is unavailable or transmittals are rejected, you are still responsible for filing your return by the required due date and time. The following situations may occur which may affect the timely filing of returns and payments.

Scheduled Maintenance: The system may become unavailable while the CDTFA performs routine maintenance on the online filing system. Prior to this time, you will be notified of the time frame of the expected system outage.

Rejected Transmittals: You will be sent a confirmation of filing or an error code/message immediately once the CDTFA receives a return or payment.

You must receive a confirmation number on or before the due date and time in order for the return or payment to be considered timely. A confirmation number will not be returned for rejected transmittals. If you do not receive a confirmation number, the return and payment data must be retransmitted. A return or payment may be rejected in the case of system errors or if required information was omitted or not in the required format.

System Problems and Unscheduled Emergency Maintenance: System problems and unscheduled emergency maintenance will impact availability to our Online Services System. Known problems are indicated on our Online Services webpage. You should verify if any information was posted on the CDTFA's website before contacting the eServices Coordinator. If messages have not been posted, contact the eServices Coordinator by telephone at 1-916-323-6353, or via email at eDirect to inform the CDTFA about any system errors encountered. The CDTFA strives to ensure that all known system problems are corrected in an efficient manner.

Optional Online Filing Testing Process

Prior to using FLT or EDI to file online, you are encouraged to successfully complete certification testing. For details on online file testing, refer to the Motor Fuels FLT File and EDI Filing Guide.