Status of Proposed Rules and Regulations


The Department of Tax and Fee Administration adds, amends and repeals regulations to conform to statutory requirements or to implement, interpret or make specific statutes, court decisions, or case law. The following-listed regulations are currently in the process of being added, amended, or repealed.

For questions regarding these regulations you may call, fax or e-mail:

Main Contact: Kim DeArte, Regulations Coordinator, at 916-309-5227 or

Reg. No. Title Public Hearing Current Status
1699 Permits 10/9/24 — Approved by Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State.
1808 Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement Reporting and Publication 3/24/25 — Approved by the Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State
3501, 3700, 3703, 3800, 3801, 3805, 3810, and 3820 Cannabis Excise Tax Regulations 3501, 3700, 3703, 3800, 3801, 3805, 3810, and 3820 1/8/25 — Approved by the Office of Administrative Law
Chapter 5.5, Chapter 5.6, Chapter 5.7 Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Law, Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act Operative On and After January 1, 2020, Prepaid Mobile Telephony Services 11/22/24 — Notice mailed to interested parties.
Reg. No.: 35015, 35039, 35055, 35057, and 35058 Appeals Regulations 35015, 35039, 35055, 35057, 35058 11/26/24 — Approved by Office of Administrative Law and filed with the Secretary of State.


Sales and Use Taxes

Special Taxes